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Welcome back for my finale Season 7 Preview Trailer Breakdown video. Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 7 is just a couple days away so let’s take a look at the trailer and see what may take place. During the Season 7 finale we will see everyone get together at the Dragon pit to discuss terms about the upcoming War for the Dawn. Daenerys and Cersei will meet for the first time. Cersei will notice she only has two dragons left thanks to the Night King. The Hound will free the Wight and show Cersei how real the threat is… Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow will have sex on a boat.. Bran Stark and Sam Tarly will learn the full truth about Jon Snow and his parents. Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark were married. Sansa Stark will sentence Littlefinger to death. Arya Stark will kill Littlefinger. The Night King will attack The Wall with Viserion and so much more! Comment down below with your thoughts. Thanks for watching!

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  1. The part where Bran believes Jon's last name is Sand I found hard to believe. Come on. Last season he witnessed the Tower of Joy, and would have heard Lyanna whisper to Ned that the boy's name is Aegon Targaryen. She didn't name him Sand or Snow, so why would Bran not have realized he's not a bastard? Why would Lyanna name him Targaryen if he was a bastard. Up until 7×07, Bran still did realize Lyanna was not kidnapped or raped but was actually married. Why didn't he pick up the clues? Would a woman who was abducted and raped give her son the name of the man who raped and abducted her instead of a bastard name? And even gave him a traditional Targaryen name, Aegon. You wouldn't honor your rapist like that.

    Does Bran see everything at all times, or only the things he chooses to see? Because if he has to choose to see it, he has seen too many things he has no reason to choose to see. Such as Littlefinger's quotes. There's not enough time to see all of this if he can only visit one scene at a time and has to choose. If he sees everything and is truly omniscient, he should have also known about Rhaegar's secret wedding.

    Speaking of Bran and his ability to "visit" any place at any time, why does he still need to warg into ravens to witness what's going on around him? He can just "appear" anywhere he wants without anyone seeing him. It's how he witnessed Sansa's "beautiful" wedding night. Obviously there were no ravens inside the wedding hall to warg into.

  2. well…worst season finale of all GoT seasons..a huge disappointment. The storyline wasn't moving forward with plenty of lazy and awkward scenes. Most irritating of all Littlefinger's death. One of the most intrigue-intelligent role play was slaughtered so quick without even having a proper dialogue to defend himself..like GoT producers wanted to get rid of him..

  3. Thank you to the creator of this video. I stumbled upon it, and I'm very glad I did. It is very high-quality, enjoyable, and points out provoking details that I missed in the trailer. This felt like a cross between a thoughtful PBS special and a hopeful love letter from a fan. Onwards! It is time to check out your latest video and to chew on my fingernails until tonight. Wolfs rule! Dragons … well I guess they must rule too.

  4. Thank you again I always look forward to your videos an your comments you tell it very well an even though the season us ending I Hope to see your videos in the of season as that is how I found your videos first which was at the beginning of the year so a big thank you for all your videos an also some history
    we heard on the radio the other day about George RR Martan an his books an how there will be a prequel so we will get to go back an see how the Targaryans ruled an there Dragons the history of all the family's Stark , Baratheion an the rebellion I think it will be a good drama series ,so now that the season will end I'm hoping I'll be able to watch it on Google Play movies an tv or wait for it to be released on DVD ok so by an be looking for your notifications 👑🐲🐲 👑🐺

  5. What about the second sons can't they help theon to stop his uncle s they are still in Mereen , I know Daenarys wants to help yarah but what is it that theon wants an knows Daenarys won't give it to him as they shook hands an agreed to support her claim an Daenarys would help her with her uncle , So what is it theon wants ?

  6. season7 episode 7 littlefinger killed by arya on sansa's approval, daenerys n jon indulge in hot sex on boat, jaimie lannister leaves kings landing as cersie doesnt approve of helping daenerys n jon to fight against white walkers. sam and bran discusses jon snow's past and finds out that he is a targarean n most deserving to iron throne. Night king riding on dragon attacks north and destroys it, episode ends 🙂

  7. Danni and Cersei have so many similarities its uncanny.
    1) Have had three 'children'
    2) Have been raped by their lovers
    3) Both their fathers ruled Westeros at the same time
    4)Had two brothers, and one they hated
    5)Will have relationships of incest (Jamie and Jon/Viserys)
    6) Have had a child turn to the other side (viserys to the Others/Tommen to the High Sparrow
    7) Have had miscarriage of their presumed first born
    8) Have had prophecies revealed regarding them and their future
    9) Are competing to become or stay Queen of Westeros
    10) Have a resurrected warrior at their side (Mountain and Jon)
    I'm sure there are more, but I thought i'd stop at 10

  8. Could be Cersei's, The Hound's, Sansa's+Littlefinger's last episode. Possibly Varys too.
    Cersei probably will fall, faint+die from a miscarriage….The Hound may be executed either from The Mountain or orders from Cersei for treason. …Varys may yet survive but could also be executed from The Mountain (on Cersei's orders)….Qyburn might die+hopefully be burnt alive by a dragon or eaten by a dragon. (When Dany may ask who created the giant cross bow weapon) There could be 1 waiting anywhere hiding somewhere to be used to kill 1 of Dany's dragons….if they need another dragon rider, it will be Jon on Drogon….I believe that we may see Jaqen again. I believe that Arya is in danger because she has epically failed as a 'faceless man' +dishonoured+abused the ways of the Faceless men….I'm sure Arya will survive til season 8, but I am sure we will see Jaqen again+it might have to be him that has to kill Arya in the end+put her down….I find Euron a waste of HBO screen time that could have been used for other storylines somehow but maybe not. I don't read the books. lmao…If he has killed Yara, he definitely has to die, but he will probably cower back to Pyke+in hopes to increase Cersei's army…..Sansa may execute Littlefinger for 'all the crimes' she knows he has committed along the way+also perfect revenge for leaving her with Ramsey. Bran will help her+Arya come to the real story…Bran probably already knows who probably sent his assassin… perhaps it was Bran himself. Could it really be possible that Bran could be the Night King+trapped i the past?! Stuck in his own paradox from trying to change too much in the past. I have wondered if Bran could be Azor Ahai originally… …If Yara is dead, I hope Theon doesn't commit suicide….If we don't see Melisandre in this episode, we might see Asshai next season+we know that Mellisandre will see Arya again+that Melisandre+Varys will die in Westeros+that Cersei will not have her 4th child (Prophecy from wood witch) + that Beric will see The Hound again…..Sucks that this one is the final …such a short season. I think the final may end with the WW/Army of the dead breaking down the wall as Viserion ice dragon flies over with the NK riding him…so what does an ice dragon breathe I wonder??? Blue fire??? Icicles??? …whatever hapz, I think we will saygoodbye to a few characters shortly. I am sure Littlerfinger will be executed from Sansa. I wondered if Sansa might die from natural pregnacy or just commit suicide or take night shade… especially if she may know that she is pregnant. Perhaps Cersei is not the only one??? Sh3e wuldn't want to have Ramsey's child….she would rather kill herself then ever have his child. Euron is just a coward+waste of HBO screen time… gona be a long wait before enxt season. lmao

  9. Little finger is also a faceless man and will ride the with ice dragon disguised as a raven He will then have Arya cut the night kings face so little finger can wear it and rule the wight army. Hound who is also a faceless man will use catlyn Stark's face and wed little finger. Denerys and Cercei will wed and rule the seven kingdoms. Bran will wed missandei because she secretly serves the three eyed raven. Jon and snow will move to Done and hang out at the tavern with Tyrion until the dornish wine is nearly gone Jaimie and Bran will wed in secret. Arya will take Varys face and become the hand of the Queen's. The ice dragon will mate with the fire dragons and have hybrid offspring. Magneto and Harry Potter will appear as Queen's guards.

  10. I could see The Mountain ignoring the temporary truce and The Hound stepping in, as he's done before.

    I don't know if I really want Clegane bowl, simply because the winner is completely insecure about who would be victorious. 😕


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