Excitement for the Game of Thrones final series is building.

A new trailer from HBO gave fans just enough information to develop some theories. Those sure of their Game of Thrones info can now place bets on some of the most anticipated events.

In the midst of winter, Game of Thrones anticipation builds. HBO has released a short teaser, giving fans a glimpse of several characters, but not enough to discern any fates.

That has not stopped fans from spreading rumors and building theories based on the smallest of details. Any fan board or Reddit thread is full of “sure thing” assertions from fans.

One thing is most assuredly happening, winter is coming in Westeros. The White Walkers are coming; bet on it. No, really, you can bet on this season of Game of Thrones. The three biggest questions to bet on are who will die first, who will be the ruler in the end, and as low-brow as it may be, who will be the first topless female character.

The trailer gave very few hints at the answer for any of those questions. We do have betting lines from MyBookie, for those so inclined. Have a favorite character who is a long shot to be a ruler — say Therion Greyjoy? Drop $10 on him to rule at the end, and win $100 at the current rates at MyBookie.

Every battle. Every betrayal. Every risk. Every fight. Every sacrifice. Every death. All #ForTheThrone. The final season of Game of Thrones returns in April.



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