Game Of Thrones cosplayer smashes the Night King's piercing eyes with winning costume
Game of Thrones cosplayer Xidge Evangelista’s amazing outfit (Picture: HBO/ Xidge Evangelista/ Facebook)

You’re used to seeing the Night King from the comfort of your sofa – but imagine spotting a real-life version of the Game Of Thrones character coming at you in the cold light of day.

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For some cosplayers (that’s costume players if you didn’t know) coming face-to-face with the characters of the hit HBO show is a regular occurrence but this Filipino cosplayer made us hide behind the sofa with his outfit to end all outfits – it’s the most realistic interpretation of the GOT character we’ve ever seen.

We give you, Night King.

Xidge Evangelista has been a cosplayer since 2009 and explained that he began cosplaying by recycling his mum’s old clothes and turning them into fantasy costumes.

Speaking to Manila-based online news platform Rappler, Xidge explained: ‘I recycle and use my imagination’.

Game Of Thrones cosplayer smashes the Night King's piercing eyes with winning costume
A terrifyingly convincing Night King outfit made by Xidge (Picture: Xidge Evangelista/Gerz Binarao for the head, Dennis Castor for the detailing)

Since those early days, Xidge joined cosplay group ABCC Thinking in order to ‘make the mark’ he dreamed of making on the cosplay scene.

Of choosing to become the Night King at cosplay events, Xidge said: ‘No one has cosplayed him before in Asia.’

His Night King costume was made with the help of some of Xidge’s friends, and materials used include clay (the head) and rubber and leather for the armour.

Game Of Thrones cosplayer smashes the Night King's piercing eyes with winning costume
Filipino cosplayer Xidge without his costume (Picture: Xidge Evangelista)

The mask also features blue LEDs for eyes, which reflect everytime he blinks because Xidge is also wearing blue contact lenses.

Xidge said he wants to ‘bring out the best of the character’ while expressing himself through the costume.

Game Of Thrones cosplayer smashes the Night King's piercing eyes with winning costume
Xidge preparing for a cosplay session, half in character (Picture: Xidge Evangelista/ Facebook/Dennis Castor for the detailing)

‘We want to be part of the community that inspires people for future generations,’ he said.

Xidge said he is happy to pose for pictures with fans in order to ‘immortalise’ the costume and to ‘inspire young ones to become creative’.

And he gave some advice to future cosplayers: ‘Choose a character that suits you. You don’t need to mould your personality to the character because that’s already you.’

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Metro Entertainment - TV



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