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  1. I'm a little confused about Bran and the White Walkers. I guess I didn't put them together since Jon has been the main focus with them. I would assume that at some point Jon and Bran would come together and fight them or Bran tell Jon how to beat them or their weakness besides what we already know. Can you explain what Bran's connection to the white walkers is?

  2. The Knights King looks like he has the Horn of winter on his back (4 Horseman Preview) compared to the ice sword in this behind the scenes preview. Same Hilt though…

  3. I think the WW footage is going to be either a Bran vision of the future after the wall comes down…..thats why he says they have no idea what's coming. Or a flashback of the long night, that would explain why the Nights king looks different.

  4. +Emergency Awesome Why does everyone think they're going to be fighting Bran?! I think Bran is having a vision, since he's under the weirwood he first sees the white walker in his space before Bran appears where the white walkers are, see's whats going on and knowing what's going down, sends a message to Snow…or whoever he is when he comes back to life.


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