Game of Thrones Season 8 premiered recently, to an overwhelmingly positive response. After almost a 600-day wait, we finally got to see our favourite characters. While there were some great unions/reunions in there, Samwell Tarly and Daenerys Targaryen‘s first meeting, was particularly messy. Now, actor Jon Bradley, who plays Sam, has revealed that his character thinks Daenerys to be a psychopath. Beware, spoilers follow!

The pair met for the first time in the Season 8 premiere, and it did not go well. Daenerys revealed to Sam that she executed his father and brother, after which Sam seems to be very agitated.

John Bradley recently revealed to The Wrap that Samwell now thinks that Daenerys is a psychopath:

“Sam is now very, very aware that Dany is very imbalanced and very volatile and in quite a dangerous state with people. He sees with his own eyes, and is kind of connecting this to his own set of emotions, just how cold she is and how sacrificial she is in other people’s lives. And he learns the lengths that she’ll go to if somebody decides to disobey her and how her quest for power seems to know no moral code when it comes to that.”

John said that the way Daenerys revealed the news to Sam added insult to injury:

“When she’s talking to him and she’s telling him about his own family, she’s telling him kind of without any sense of compassion at all. She comes at it in a very clinical way, and a very cold and a very detached way. And it feels psychopathic, really, that she didn’t offer him any kind of comfort at all. She says, you know, ‘They refused to bend the knee.’ And that’s a very pragmatic way of dealing with it, ‘They disobeyed me, and so I killed them.’ And in that moment he sees what a dangerous figure she is and that’s what motivates him to tell Jon.”

John also said that the best for Jon and the safety of Gilly and baby Sam motivates Sam. He argued that this is precisely why he does not trust Daenerys. Being Jon’s best friend, it’s likely that Sam’s opinion will carry some weight. We already saw Jon waver a bit when Sam told him the truth. Moving forward, it will be interesting to see how things go.

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