‘Game of Thrones’ Finale Alternate Endings Details. Game of Thrones Season 8, Episode 6 Spoilers

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Source: HBO

Game of Thrones unfortunately has a long history when it comes to leaks. Whether the leaks are malicious, or one of their hundreds of partners accidentally releases an episode a little early, HBO has learned to go to some pretty extreme lengths to avoid spoilers. And according to Emilia Clark, who plays Daenerys, during Season 8 that involved filming multiple endings to the finale. 

“There’s lots of different endings that could happen,” Clark told Forbes back in 2018. “I think we’re doing all of them and we aren’t being told which is actually what’s going to happen… I think that they don’t even trust us.” 

And while that may sound like a good strategy, it doesn’t seem to have worked. 

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