
Though direwolves attacking a dragon would’ve been thrilling to witness, I’m glad Jon Snow’s direwolf Ghost didn’t go up against a fire-breather.


The final season of HBO’s Game of Thrones is behind us, and whether you loved or hated the ending, it’s still hard to imagine that the series could’ve been even more action-packed. 

But in a recent podcast interview, Game of Thrones Director Miguel Sapochnik revealed that “The Long Night” episode was missing an epic animal battle between direwolves and a dragon.

“There were many things that happened that people would’ve been so happy to happen — attacks of direwolves and crazy stuff,” Sapochnik said. “At a certain point you’re, like, ’50 direwolves attacking an undead dragon does not a good movie make.’ This was stuff we did not shoot; it’s part of the process.”

Clearly, Sapochnik underestimated what Game of Thrones fans would be excited to see. A pack of direwolves attacking an undead dragon sounds like the coolest thing ever.

But don’t blame Sapochnik for the cut scene of direwolves versus dragons. Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss ultimately had the final say of what did or didn’t make it into the final season.

“They were completely ruthless when it came to that thing of ‘no we want this, no we want this,’ and at the same time, at some point there were moments of realization of ‘we physically can’t do some of these things, and some things we can,'” Sapochnik added.



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