The final scene from Game of Thrones Season 7 episode 7 “The Dragon and The Wolf” saw the White Walkers finally cross the wall.
It took the army of the dead 67 episodes to enter the Seven Kingdoms but why did it take them so long?

Who is the Night King? Is he a greenseer? Is he Bran Stark? What is the dragon Viserion? Is he a White Walker Dragon? A Wight Dragon? What can kill the Night King? We have so many questions!

In this video I explain what I think took the Night King so long and if
he knew about Daenerys Targaryen’s Dragons using theories, explanations, older scenes and foreshadowing.

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  1. Let me know all your Night King theories and predictions for Season 8!

    The final scene from the season 7 finale was epic but it leaves us with many questions. The biggest for me is was the dragon needed all along. What do you think? Did the Night King know about Dany's Dragons and knew he needed one to cross The Wall?

    Let me know what you think and as always thanks for watching!

  2. Q&A for you?? it's been theorized the night king has been hunting Jon diwn since episode 1 ??? how would he know of jons birth beside ned?? do they somehow share blood??? the night king somehow knows jon??? and it has to be bran?????

  3. Is the Night King a Targaryen? Cause he didn't kill Daenerys or Jon (both have Targaryen blood) and he's ridind a dragon, which, in Dany's words, are not slaves…
    So he his the third head of the dragon, and his aim is King's Landing, not Winterfell.
    I'm convinced he needed to touch Bran to break the magic on the Wall, and Viserion to destroy it.
    As for Viserion, I think he was not dead when he was touched by the Night King, so he's a White Walker.
    The reason he'll bypass Winterfell is the magic that lies on the crypts, and cause Bran, Jon and Daenerys will be there.

  4. I think that brans powers haven't fully developed yet, he will learn to see the future like he did with meera about cercie blowing up the sept with the wildfire. Thats how the nk always knews where to be.

  5. I think they definitely knew about the dragons. That was a planned attack/trap and Jon was dragon bait. Question is, did he send the vision to the Hound? Or is the visions being sent by the R'hollor God? (Kinvara – "Everyone is who they are and where they are for a reason.")

  6. I'd like to hear your opinions as to why Littlefinger didn't flee Winterfell as soon as Bran said "Chaos is a ladder", judging by his face he was very creeped out so why didn't he leave?
    As well as Arya coming home moments later, after discovering she had become an assassin, why wouldn't he leave after that?

  7. Of course you should do other topics, especially ones that interest you. I'm not a fan of Harry Potter or TLOTR but one piece of advice, I'd try something other than fantasy pieces. IMO Marvel, DC, comics, etc.. Is very hot atm. Also I'd like to see broader topics like movie/TV reviews in general.

  8. There was something "odd" about the way the Wall came dpwn. I'm wondering if this Magical beast (the dragon) didn't cause the Wall to collapse because he interfered with the Magic of the Wall…

  9. I have a couple of questions/observation. As for The Night King, I think he has to be a Stark, which is why there had to be a Stark at Winterfell and when there wasn't all heck broke loose. I think all the men at Eastwatch were lost at the crumbling of the Wall, but my husband is holding out hope for Beric and Tormund.What do you think?
    So were the Lords of the Vale of Arryn forgiving of Sansa for being a kid when she lied to them about Lysa's death and her protection of Baelish?
    Why didn't Jon send dragonglass as fast as possible to the Wall and have as many arrows and men as possible manning the top of the Wall, waiting for The Army of the Dead?


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