Now that the HBO television adaptation has finished, all eyes are on the books. Not only because true fans still want to follow the journeys of their favourite characters through the author’s eyes, but also because many are hoping he has different plotlines for many of them. IT’s safe to say many fans were not happy with the pay-offs delivered on the small screen. Book Six has been on the horizon for many years now, but Martin has already promised it will definitely be out before he travels to New Zealand next July. But when, exactly? Martin just made a big announcement on his blog.

In two weeks from now, the America author will fly to Ireland.

The country, of course, was the site for much of the filming of Game of Thrones.

But Martin is travelling to host a very special screening of the iconic sci-fi movie FORBIDDEN PLANET in Dublin for the Irish Film Institute. The event on August 17 and his visit will coincide with World Con, which takes place in Ireland fo the first time.

The sci-fi convention would be the perfect place for Martin to make any big announcements and answer a mountain of fan questions. The official website for the screening sets out what is expected in the event following the Forbidden Planet screening.

The site says; “Following the screening, George RR Martin will be in conversation with Maura McHugh of Dublin 2019: An Irish WorldCon about Forbidden Planet and the influence such works have had on his own writing and career. 

“We regret that George RR Martin will NOT sign merchandise on the evening, nor will he be able to take questions about the A Song of Ice and Fire novels or the Game of Thrones television series.”

That’s right, not whisper about Game of Thrones.

Obviously, fans will be thrilled just to see the authour, who is a famed raconteur with a wealth of knowledge about fantasy and sci-fi, but it will be a struggle for any fan not to want to know about Martin’s reactions to the HBO show finale, or updates about the next books.

There is still hope at the main World Con, though.

The official list of confirmed programme participants includes George RR Martin.

Does this refer to his participation in the Forbidden Planet event? The Irish Film Institute event is be mounted “in associations with ” World Con. However, this does not mean Martin might not also attend other events across the weekend.

However much he loves the movie, it is a long way to travel just to host a screening, which is naturally already sold out. Surely, fans can hope for something else, too?





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