Game of Thrones is one of the most successful TV shows ever, so it shouldn’t surprise anyone that there are hundreds, if not thousands of memes online focused on the show and its heroes. The colorful bunch comprising the Game of Thrones’ characters certainly fits into memes and one of those heroes who often appears in them is Sansa Stark.

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Sansa went from a spoiled noble girl to a strong young woman, and, while her path was far from easy, it included a lot of intriguing moments and especially people who are now a part of the memes as well as Sansa herself. Let’s get started and take a look at the best memes about Sansa that will make you cry-laughing and feel sorry for her at the same time.

10 Special Stark Sibling Reunion

Almost everybody knows that it isn’t always easy to get along with your siblings… or family, in general. It gets even worse if your surviving siblings are extremely strange. Sure, probably none of our brothers or sisters ever came back to life or proclaimed himself or herself the three-eyed raven, but they all stole our clothes or pulled our hair occasionally.

Still, if you think about it really hard, Sansa had it even more difficult. And, in a family full of strange people, she ended up to be the most normal one. This sounds like a compliment until you realize we’re talking about the same woman who watched her sadistic husband get torn apart by dogs and rejoiced at the sight.

9 Dog Food

Speaking of dogs… even if Sansa wasn’t their favorite beforehand, a lot of fans of Game of Thrones started to feel sympathetic towards her when they forced her to marry Ramsay Bolton, who turned out to be one sadistic bastard—literally. Luckily for her, Sansa survived her unhappy marriage and came out stronger in the end because of it. Plus, she provided the viewers with one of the most deliciously twisted scenes in the show. In the scene, she uses her husband’s dogs against him and lets Ramsay taste his own medicine. Good job, girl, good job. Nobody deserved it more.

8 From Bad To Worse

It seems like the forces of destiny just don’t want poor Sansa to catch a break. Dealing with Joffrey, who caused the death of her dog Lady, and watching her father get executed was bad enough, but at least Sansa got the satisfaction of watching Joffrey die a rather painful and excruciating death when he secretly got poisoned by Olena, Margaery’s grandmother.

Unfortunately, Sansa was suspected of Joffrey’s death and had to run away, which eventually led her right to her new husband Ramsay, who turned out to be even worse than Joffrey. He abused and tormented Sansa, so it was no wonder she got rid of him with joy. And, just when it seemed that things would turn out for the better, the White Walkers came. No wonder Sansa seems just the tiniest bit neurotic in the last season. Talk about stress!

7 No Army

Less than stellar husbands and too affectionate ice zombies aren’t Sansa’s only problems. Almost all of us sometimes have to work together with someone we don’t particularly like. But, usually, it’s not a guy who murdered our aunt, had a crush on our mother and kissed us.

Sansa is a proper Stark, though, and knows that you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. Plus, she got to have Littlefinger killed in the end, so, as far as satisfactions go, this one seems pretty sweet. Don’t practice it in your workplace on your annoying colleague, though. Seriously—don’t.

6 Kiss Of Death

Sansa has proved to be a proper badass over and over again, even though perhaps not as much as her younger sister. Never mind that, though, she still kicks ass, and she’d also fit perfectly into good old Britney’s music video for “Toxic,” since it seems that one kiss from Sansa is all it takes to later die a painful death.

RELATED: Game Of Thrones: 10 Worst Things Sansa Stark Did, Ranked

Luckily, Tyrion never kissed her (did he?) or Game of Thrones would be one fan-favorite dwarf short long before its end. This meme proves that some girls, while beautiful and courageous, are just too dangerous. Especially when they have red hair (Jean Gray, anyone?).

5 From Zero To Hero

Some fans were not only disappointed by the Game of Thrones’s final season but also by Sansa’s character development. A lot of the characters did a complete 180 throughout the series, but, while Sansa became a lot more cynical and realistic, she still seemed painfully naïve in some matters. That could be because of her youth, except Arya is even younger than her.

Or maybe Sansa is completely awesome and people are just badmouthing her. We’re not here to judge, but talk about sibling rivalry!

4 Childhood Crush

Some childhood crushes turn out well, some become really embarrassing as you get older, some fizzle into oblivion once you grow up and turn your sight elsewhere… and then there’s Sansa. On a scale from one to ten when it comes to worst childhood crushes ever, Sansa is in a league of her own. And she’s got Joffrey to thank for this. He was horrible from the start, but she just didn’t see it with her heart eyes. At least Sansa learned her lessons later on even though it could have saved her a lot of trouble were she more careful from the very start.

3 Deadly Look

Sansa has a way of looking at life and people who hurt her and whom she’d like to see dead. That’s not a figure of speech, everyone, she really does have a special look, as this meme well shows. Throughout Game of Thrones, she bestowed it on several men who crossed her, and… well, we all know what happened to them.

RELATED: The Evolution Of Sansa Stark Throughout Game of Thrones

Not that they didn’t deserve it—that’s even not up for debate. This only question which remains is: who was the worst of all three? Most people would probably vote for Ramsay, but each of the three guys has behaved in the most appalling way.

2 Girls Rule

When it comes to love, romance and affection, it does truly seems like Sansa has somewhere along the way drawn the short stick. She could certainly learn a thing or two from Margaery, a woman who got rid of her first stupid husband at their wedding and then managed to secure his gentle younger brother for her.

Except, in the end, it was Sansa who became the victorious one, since she survived, and Margaery got blown up. If anything, it’s a lesson that even success in relationships doesn’t bring you everything—especially not when you live in Westeros and your mother-in-law hates your guts. Sorry, Margaery, the game’s up.

1 Love Sucks

Finally, the last meme combines features from all of the above and brings them together to create a completely hilarious story/ The meme mostly speaks for itself, so we’re just going to note that this is certainly a crossover many people would like to see on TV. Then again, maybe not. Poor Sansa has already been through a lot, and, while we don’t really know what happened to her after the end of Game of Thrones, we have the slightest of suspicions that she really wasn’t all that interested in marrying again. And, honestly, there’s not a soul on this Earth who could blame her, is there?

NEXT: Game Of Thrones: 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Sansa Stark

Queen of the South: The Worst Thing Each Main Character Has Done



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