Game of Thrones gained renown over the years with some of its more controversial plot lines and events. Season one quickly set the tone of its brutality with the shocking event of Ned Stark’s (played by Sean Bean) death. As Ned was played by a Hollywood actor, and was at the forefront of the series, his death was a huge shock.

Over the following seven seasons, viewers were given even more shocking events to behold, some of which made TV history.

Perhaps the most shocking event on Game of Thrones was the during season three, episode nine: The Rains of Castamere.

This episode featured Robb Stark (Richard Madden) and his mother, Catelyn Stark (Michelle Fairley), were killed off by the Freys in an unbelievable attack.

After spending the entire episode talking politics, the Starks were attacked and killed with no warning, leaving fans completely stunned.

At the time, this scene brought the internet to a halt, and reiterated how unexpected Game of Thrones can be.

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However, with new data provided by NOW TV, it seems The Rains of Castamere is not even in the top three episodes.

The Rains of Castamere sits as the fourth most popular episode of the franchise – which is still a very respectable position to be in.

Alongside the network, fans have chosen their favourite episodes spanning the eight seasons.

Surprisingly, the most popular episode in all of Game of Thrones history is Battle of the Bastards.

Season six episode nine brought war to the small screen as Jon and his army went up against the forces of Ramsay Bolton (Iwan Rheon).

The episode in question was so popular as tension had been building between the two forces all season, and it ultimately concluded with Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner) killing her abuser, Ramsay.

Coming up second is The Winds of Winter – season six’s final episode.

This episode is so iconic as it showed off Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey) at her most conniving, as she destroyed the Great Sept with huge amounts of dragon fire.

With so many incredible episodes to choose from fans were completely spoiled for choice – but number three in the top ten was an easy decision

Number three is Hardhome, season five, episode eight, which focussed on Jon Snow attempting to escape from Hardhome with the Night King (Vladimir Furdik), and the White Walkers just behind him.

This episode featured the first demonstration of the Night King’s powers, as he resurrected all of the dead around him by simply raising his arms.

It was this episode – and indeed this scene – which kicked off the terrifying threat of the Night King which would follow viewers all the way to season eight.

While many fans have been voting on their favourite episodes of the franchise, others have been discussing what could have happened if Myrcella (Nell Tiger Free) survived the show.



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