Written by Jim Anesta and Will Schoder

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T W I T T E R:
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Music (in order):

“Building Thoughts” by Dexter Britain
“The Time to Run (Finale)” by Dexter Britain
“Goodbye Brother” by Ramin Djawadi
“Mhysa” by Ramin Djawadi



  1. "Death" is the weakest point of season 7, the difference between a good and great season. Littlefinger's and the Dorne girls's were pretty sweet, but that's about it. I'm assuming they're saving it all for 8. It's too bad they hurried the pace of the last two, it takes away their depth.

  2. It's a shame about season 7. They've gone back to old tropes. John and Danny are unkillable or at least they will be until near the end. They've only killed side characters or characters that were being sidelined anyway. I suppose that's because it's the show and not George are writing the plot now.

  3. Seeing nothing does not put the fear of God into Jon Snow, more like the lack thereof. Jon knows there is nothing when we die thus, being forced to live his life for all its worth is what he will continue to do.

  4. 10:46 Never thought about it before, but this completely changes the meaning of the recurring "you know nothing, Jon Snow" line. First, it meant he just doesn't know much about how the world works. But now he has literally experienced and "knows" Nothing, as in the cold void of death. Clever.

  5. I watched this video, checked the whole channel and decided to unsubscribe to all entertainment channels and clear my watching history. If content like this exists, I should not let other channels disturb me getting to it.
    Thank you!

  6. My god that has to be the best GoT 'meaning' explanation video I have ever seen. This should be a must for everyone who has finished the series so far, it brings so much depth and explains so much of why we love the show.

  7. After watching: most people talk a lot but really don't say much. I'm delighted by how your video is refreshingly different from that. Before you opened your mouth here, you really let it all in and chewed on it, haven't you? I'm also touched by how you handle the subject. Yes, deaths in my life have made understand life better… Further pluses: editing great, scene and interview parts spot-on. Gods, you even get the music right. Before I die, let me paraphrase Tyrion: 'All men must live'.

  8. Yes!! This video was spot on. I feel like a common theme with fantasy fiction is "all men must die" and game of thrones reminds us of that repeatedly. I'd love to see a video on Harry Potter and how death is viewed/actioned in the story.


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