Game of Thrones has announced the premiere date for its 7th Season. They have also released another Teaser Trailer to promote Season 7. In this video, I discuss the Teaser and talk about what I think the images and quotes mean. Thanks for watching! Don’t forget to like, comment, & subscribe!

Images from Game of Thrones are property of their creators, used here under fair use.



  1. On a lot of the spoilers I have seen, it says that jon will tell davos not to tell anyone about him being resurrected. I feel like at least this part has to be wrong, otherwise how could jon say he had a honorable way to leave the nights watch? Could you maybe do a video on this subject Talking thrones guy!!! please

  2. I've seen a number of GoT S7 trailer videos recently, including the always informative Alt Shift X one but yours is one of the best so far. Well done man.
    Glad you've mentioned the bear (0.31-33 sec), the lion is present of course in other shots (including 0.19 sec, 0.22, 0.47 & 1.02 of the teaser trailer) but you are spot on about House Mormont. It just doesn't correspond to the Red Wedding quote, heard around the 0.30 sec mark of the trailer, when the bear becomes visible.

    Your Roose "roasting" was gold! btw

  3. It's a bit ironic how much Robert hated Targaryens, considering he has Targaryen blood from an ancestor. Of course, it's probably just jealousy over Rhaegar who allegedly "kidnapped" Lyanna Stark. Robert said he loved her, but I've realised in GoT that "love" is a very superficial thing, and a lot of the time is not sincere. As an example, Sansa repeatedly iterated that she "loved" Joffrey, who was the most unlovable character in the show at the time. She was just saying what she thought people wanted to hear, and was not truly in love with him.

  4. I absolutely agree that the wall comes down, and that was a good synopsis of the wall cracking and pattern it made (same one as made by the Night King). Add in how they revealed the premiere date by melting a big block of ice which represents the wall, and it's pretty clear… by the finale, the wall comes down.

  5. wow Ive been saying the same on other peoples pages as I believe that what the producers hid in the trailer was the representing of the falling house sigils the wall coming down. I think most people are caught up with the plot leak of Danny's Dragon dying. whether that is true or not I don't believe that they give that away in the teaser trailer because people miss it because it happens so quick but they do show all three dragons one they show right as soon as the camera starts panning up and happens really quickly and it starts spiralling and then you see the other two dragons I believe the first one could represent Drogon who usually is off doing his solo thing and then you see this Viseron and Rhaegal so I could be wrong you know wouldn't be the first time but I don't believe that they give away that Danny's dragon is going to die. as far as they're showing the bear I was caught up with that at first as well but I don't think that's a bear I believe that is a wolf with his ears are like pointed back it doesn't doesn't quite look round enough to be a bear head or the ears don't look stuck out enough and around enough to be there like I was caught up on that at first myself.

  6. would like to know your thoughts about the bear next to thw wolf. do you think its the alliance between house Stark and Mormont together or do you think it represents Jorah or Lyannas importance with Jon in the battle or a combination of both? Thanks, good vid, really like

  7. You know something you
    maybe right Sir because
    Jon Snow came back from
    the dead for reason no doubt
    about that he's prepare for
    the great war to come and
    everyone better listen if they
    wants to live blood of
    Ice and fire the red lady
    said Jon has powers in him
    but Jon is not embracing or
    He just doesn't know it yet
    but he is the key.

    Daenerys is a big help
    with her dragons and armies
    but Jon is the key
    the Prince that was promised.

  8. Unfortunately that's definitely not a Mormont Bear. You should take a closer look at the teeth. They are certainly from a lion. Besides this sequence was showed in the context of the red wedding while the Wolf was clasped by the Greyjoy kraken. So why should they show a bear related to the red weeding? That doesn't go with a teaser constructed as a recap of the series.

  9. The bear is there because of the importance of the role Jorah will have this season. Jorah will willingly allow himself to become a white while north of the wall. It could even be that he is made into one following confusion surrounding dragonglass being the cure for greyscale. i.e. pushing dragonglass into himself. Regardless, he will return to Dany cured, in a fashion, but more importantly
    as proof that the real war is in the north. The most bittersweet and ironic ending would be if he became a coldhands type figure and went undercover for Dany in the Night King's army..

  10. when trying to decide if you should make a video or not, dont worry about whether or not other channels have addressed a subject.  people tune in to your channel for your particular take on a subject, so dont let a duplicate subject stop you!!  you have a great channel.

  11. Great video!;) I agree with Jon being a key figure, I feel he's going to portray a stronger leader than Dany in the war and he most likely will fight the night king one on one, but Dany and her dragons are the key elements because of their dragon fire to kill the entire army of the dead. Jon, because he is the song and fire he will unite his people with Dany's to win.

  12. I think they include Mormont (Bear) with a vein of Flower squeezing it's Paw (That's a bear Paw, Not Lion), because Lynesse Hightower (aunt of Margaery Tyrell) was behind Jorah Mormont exile status. And Now his coming back!!!

  13. Ey brotha,  great summary, and critical thinking….I think you're dead on.  Idk about the actual "fall" of the wall tho,  I think it's more of a metaphorical fall, as the White Walkers do gain access to the realm, by any number of possibilities that we may speculate or have zero fuckin clue….Most likely going to be the final scene of the season or some shit.  I think all the cracking and shit really just signifies the metaphorical wheel and how it is going to be broken as Dany predicted.  She'll be the start of that breaking with her arrival and fight for the Iron Throne, which will obviously involve other houses battling eachother whether they want to or are forced to by the Mad Queen.  Seriously tho, no one likes her…but they don't want to get burned with fuckin pools of wildfire like half the damn city did.  But once they feel the tide turning to Dany, or Jon, or whomever, Cersei's done.  Maybe she'll live on and redeem herself somehow but I think that whole thing has just shown us, that there's no redeeming her.  She's not going to help with the Great War, just like when Lord Commander Mormont sent word to Kings Landing when all this started, she said something along the lines of "I have the utmost faith in the good men of the Night's Watch to protect the Realm…"  They have for Thousands of Years, why would anything change now….Idk, that was random, but anyway….Diggin the vids bro.  Hey…You think Jon is gonna keep his bastard name?  I mean, I can see him keeping it, because he rose to power whilst still reppin the bastard name, so now that he's King in the North, who cares?  Orrrr….Idk, do you think, TECHNICALLY, he did abandon the Night's Watch?  I personally don't, cause I mean, they fuckin murdered him….So he's off the hook, but that also might be a sore subject to come.  Thanks again!  I wish you good fortune….


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