Game of Thrones is one of the most iconic shows aired on Television and everyone had high hopes from the series finale season. The watch has literally ended but the last episode of the show demonstrated how every character chose their path in the end.
Some of us were not happy the way the show ended or were disappointed in general with the whole season. As investing years into the TV show, the audience expected the finale season to be beyond our expectations.
Recently, a Digital Spy poll has voted Game Of Thrones as the greatest TV show of the 21st century and the list is closely followed by Stranger Things and Doctor Who.
What came as a surprise to people is that Breaking Bad has been placed 5th on the list.
Now, that is a shock for a lot of us but it seems like that people on Twitter didn’t take it well as according to many GOT’s finale wasn’t worth it. So, here’s what people have to say about this –
Just to clarify, GOT is a great show, but having 5 great seasons and 2-3 ok seasons does not win you greatest show of 21st century. Breaking Bad and Mad Men can duke it out for the top spot
Sidebar: Even though Sopranos started in 1999 is it still considered a 21 century show?
— Sick&Tired (@FuneeClips) July 30, 2020
really enjoyed the show. but the best of the 21st century? naaaaaah…. it was great initially but trickled off in the last two seasons for sure.
— Lasselelle (@Lasselelle) July 30, 2020
*Watches season 8 “game of thrones is the worst tv show of the 21st century!.”
— Badass (@g_carroll16) August 1, 2020
It was a cultural phenomenon until the final season. Now, it may as well never have existed.
— an cailín cainteach☘️ (@Trillian_01) July 30, 2020
It COULD have been the greatest TV show of the 21st Century.
— . . . (@Shes_deathProof) July 31, 2020
All of the great future TV shows that will come out between 2021 and 2100.
— Juskeletin Vow Gogh (@j_viviano) August 1, 2020
Look, I love some, or even most, episodes and seasons of Game of Thrones, but it is such a mixed bag overall and had such a big drop in quality by no means the “Greatest TV Show Of 21st Century”. Most popular? Sure, maybe. But greatest? No.
— Brendan McDonald (@BrenTalksMovies) July 31, 2020
Seasons 1-4 were alright. In 5 it started to falter, but still had good episodes. In 6 it fell apart, and by season 8 it was a pile of pig feces, which is probably an insult to pigs.
Greatest TV show of the 21st century? I can think of a few dozen that were greater.
— A. Bear Esq., MBE, ICBM, PSU, E173, ISO2171, QED. (@Bearocalypse) July 31, 2020
It is many people’s favorite but we are not sure if it is the best show of the 21st century. Also, it got the popular vote which means the show is extremely popular and all of us have watched it. But, is it really the best show of the 21st century? Let us know in the comments section below.
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Photo: © HBO (Main Image)