Fans rallying behind an imperiled movie or TV show is nothing new, but after the success of the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement, which led to Warner Bros. giving Zack Snyder tens of millions of more dollars to create Zack Snyder’s Justice League, they’re using the same tactics to get other projects made. With Joe Manganiello’s support, fans are pushing for a Deathstroke movie or series, and a sequel to Godzilla vs. Kong. Both social media blitzes have been trending on Twitter.

Deathstroke had a small cameo appearance at the end of the theatrical cut of Justice League, and an expanded part in the Snyder Cut; Manganiello appeared as the character in Batman’s Knightmare dream sequence. The move was originally designed to set up Deathstroke’s role in a Ben Affleck Batman movie, but the project was shelved when Affleck hung up his cape and cowl.

Fans want to see Deathstroke come to life, though, whether it be in a movie or in a series on HBO Max. The campaign on Twitter using the #DeathstrokeHBOMax was trending, as fans aren’t ready to say goodbye to the character until there is official word from Warner Bros. and HBO Max about the project’s future.

Will there be a Deathstroke movie? Will there be a Godzilla vs. Kong sequel?

Similarly, fans who enjoyed Godzilla vs. Kong are launching their own campaign. reports that #ContinueTheMonsterverse is an effort to extend the titular beasts day in the sun, so to speak. Godzilla and Kong are but two of the many classic monster characters whose stories could become big blockbusters, if only a studio decides to make them.

Social media campaigns are nothing new. When FOX cancelled Lucifer after three seasons, fans worldwide rallied in well-organized efforts to bring it back, and Netflix heard the call. Now in its fifth season, the show will take its final bow after season 6.

Like the Lucifer effort, the push for the Snyder Cut reveals that studios do notice what fans are hoping for, but that doesn’t mean they will ultimately listen. Still, efforts to see #DeathstrokeHBOMax and #ContinueTheMonsterverse succeed will carry on because these days you never know what might come from them.

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h/t CBR



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