“Game of Thrones,” wrapped up filming about two years ago, and despite the fact that fans may like to remember the show for its gracious and beautiful end involving Arya Starr, there were several moments throughout the series that made fans annoyed. Well, maybe not annoyed, but feel weird.

The show brought to light several happenings in the old world, and how people dealt in bad or good situations. It also shed light on some things that have transcended to the new world, such as politics, inequality, and so on.

Nevertheless, the cringe-worthy moments throughout the series in a way made fans stay glued to their screens because even after that initial weirdness, they still wanted to know what would happen next. Two years later, and “GoT” is still one of the most popular war crime movies in the past decade.

To bring back some of the feelings of weirdness wrapped in excitement, here are four eek-worthy moments from the series that will no doubt take readers through a nostalgia memory lane.

 The Ed Sheeran Cameo

All things considered, this was one of the weird of the weirdest things that the producers of “GoT” let happen in season seven.

At this time, there were several cameos of A-Listers, and Ed Sheeran happened to be one of them. For other celebrities, the producers hid them well enough, that people had to look closely to be able to determine which celebrity cameo was used.

However, in a grand change of events, when it got to Sheeran, the subtlety changed. A report from What Culture revealed that the Sheeran model was added mainly to surprise the main character known as Arya Stark. The Sheeran figure had a full-line scene, and even sang the song titled “Hands of Gold.”

Then there was the brief comment from Stark about the singer’s voice, which was more than distracting to fans worldwide. Instead of focusing on what the scene was all about, the directors made fans’ minds travel as they could only admire Sheeran in that scene. Sadly, Stark’s presence and reason for being in that scene was also lost along the line.

Melisandre’s Portrayal of ‘The Beast’ As Opposed To Beauty

For those who may not know, in one of the episodes, Melisandre was seen taking off all her clothes in front of a blurry-like mirror. First, she took off her dress, which did not leave much to the imagination as the mirror was blurry enough to cover the nakedness.

Secondly, she took off a piece of Jewelry, that many terms ‘The Magic Necklace.’ After that, she transcended from beauty to the beast.

As the show progressed, the introduction of Melisandre was one that fans could not forget for a long time, especially because despite the role she played, she was a dashing and gorgeous-looking woman. In plain words, Melisandre would turn heads wherever she went.

Whatever the directors of the show tried to reveal in season six, episode one, the only conclusion that viewers could bring from it is that they did this character dirty. The whole idea behind her gorgeous and flawless-looking skin was lost immediately she took off that necklace.

8-Year-Olds Are Scarred For Life

The only important question to ask here is; would it have been so bad if Catelyn Stark’s sister, Lysa Arryn, gave her 8-year-old solid food to eat? What happened to chicken and asparagus?

This scene where Lysa Arryn was seen breastfeeding her already walking and talking 8-year-old son, Robin, would have resulted in several face-frowns from fans worldwide. The kind that was clearly registered on Catelyn and Tyrion’s faces in the scene.

In Lysa’s defense, her breast milk is making her child stronger than ever, but in the real sense, he’s seen as a ‘mama’s boy who has never been weaned off and will certainly not be able to make future decisions without her in the picture.

This was heartbreaking to watch because in today’s world, the ideology is that as children grow, they should become independent, and not have to lean on anyone, especially ‘breastmilk’ for anything.

Selyse Baratheon’s Appearance

Many would have thought that the Lord of Drangonstone, and younger brother of King Robert Baratheon, King Stannis Baratheon would have less to worry about with his position, especially when it came to his wife, but that was not the cast.

If nothing was weird to you before, how about when fans saw Selyse Baratheon during a visit from her hubby, heaping praises on her god ‘The Lord of Light,” and explaining to Stannis that she already knew about his infidelity?

Maybe that won’t do the trick, but furthermore, into the series, it was revealed that Selyse keeps the bodies of her still-born children in jars in a private place. Whatever happened to let go of the little ones!

For fans, this little keepsake shows that Selyse was very far from reality as one could be, and the relationship she shared with Stannis was glaringly odd.



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