Old Powers Part 9:
Who were the original Azor Ahai and Nissa Nissa

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

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  1. There is a sword no one really talks about but given the red comet and the tale of Nissa Nissa it's incredibly relevant. And it is…. Brandon Starks penis.

    Lady Dustin described it as a Bloody Sword, which when you take into consideration the comet being called this and the cry of 'ecstasy' from Nissa Nissa it kind of makes you think. Oh, and Bran of the Bloody Blade…

    AA = father NN= mother, Bloody Blade = penis, child = Lightbringer

    I'm obsessed with Lady Dustin so it's the only reason I saw it.

    Someone else wrote a great essay about how Rhaegar was actually the prince that was promised and that Lyanna was Nissa Nissa and jon was Lightbringer, but they never mentioned the Brandon bloody sword line and I think that's important as it's an odd line to include.

  2. just reading Feast and Brienne is talking about Ser Galadon of Morne (abbreviation for morning) Who had an enchanted sword given to him by The Maiden who lost her heart to him and gave it as a token of her love. he never used it against mortal men..but yet unsheathed it 3 times…(one of which was to slay a dragon)??? and the cherry on the cake..Brienne called him the perfect knight…and Nimble Dick Crabb calls him "The Perfect Fool"….

    Isn't it interesting that this perfect knight/perfect Fool has a magical blade named after a woman..just maid/lady forlorn? and in this passage when speaking about Ser Galadon…Nimble Dick Crabb uses the word bloody 4 times…Bloody perfect..Bloody Head…Bloody Sword…Bloody Well Use it.

    in the legend of Florian and Jonquil when she says he is no knight…he replies..as great a knight as there ever was…and as great a fool….(how is that not connected?) And Florian Met Jonquil in Maidenpool..George doesn't do anything by accident in these books)

    tell me this doesn't totally sound like an ancient myth being twisted over time..involving Azor Ahai, Florian The Fool and his Maiden fair…and Brandon of the bloody blade???

    Ok Order Of The Green Hand…you have totally called it..Nimble Dick said. "I should have used the magic sword,’ it’d be saying to all the other heads. ‘I should have used the bloody sword"…(Magic Sword…Bloody Sword…Bloody Blade) Brandon is Azor Ahai..Is Florian Is Ser Galadon. you guys are geniuses

  3. After watching this for the forth time I have one question left (I think); I do think this ties up really good and definitely could be true, but how will it be revealed in the books ? How will anyone ever find out ? Which character would discover this and how? And if this is true we as readers definitely have to find out somehow..

  4. The part in which you say Sansa teared up from listening to the songs actually happens during the Battle of Blackwater, when she is holed up in the Queen's ballroom. Although the scene may have happened again during Joff's wedding. It is just that I am re-reading CoK and just read that chapter the other night. Love you videos! Always something new to think about.

  5. I thing your moon-theory is a little to far fetched. There is magic
    in asoiaf, but it is also a world much like our own. With the moon acting
    much like our own.

    The second moon could be the comet dividing in to two pieces. It most likely have been there before (a couple of thousand years ago), and I wouldn't be surprised if humans as well as wolfs can mistake it for a moon. Especially after the tales have been retold a thousand time over.
    When reading the legends there usually is a small amount of truth to them. I do agree that combining the small truths from multiple stories might give a better picture.

    Now this is not how a comet works in the real world, but it wouldn't be the first time in fiction. A piece of the comet could have broken of and crashed into the Essos near the the Fourteen flames, acting as a catalyst for the birth of dragons.

    There is also some talk about the dragons coming from wyverns (looks like the "dragons" on the show but don't breath fire) and firewyrms ("dragons without wings"). Something about them being there long before dragons…
    There are a lot of pieces here, and it's hard to figure out.

    I enjoy your videos very much, even though I don't agree with everything. Keep up the good work.

  6. When they said that the maester thought the dire wolves howled at the commit because they thought it was a moon, and then the other quote of sire wolves remembering thing Luen (pardon misspelling) didn't it instantly made me think of the story of the moon cracking and pouring dragons…..what if that second moon was literally there, and Nissa Nissa's cry cracked it during the blood/fire magic of Lightbringer, and it cracked during the solar eclipse….and what if the comet is just a piece of the moon that shattered. What if every red comet before it was a different comet and was just another part of the broken moon.

    Also what if the dragons didn't come from the moon but the sun. They just came through cracks and debris of the shattered, ruined moon from the sun, but appeared to be coming out of the moon…..

  7. You two are absolutely amazing! With all the rubbish and hype you get nowadays from people who only watch the show, its an absolute breath of Fresh air. You guys are spot on with this video – 100% ship it. Love the work George does with his naming – as you quote in your series on Littlefinger George has name the person before he knows who the character is – this is just another example. Keep up the good work guys – you're so accurate in my mind I've even contemplated not watch so the story arc doesn't get spoiled for me potentially!

  8. White hot is not at all perfect for tempering…. A white hot blade is either going to crack, shatter, in the tempering process or end up overly brittle from being overheated.


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