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Check out this deleted scene from Game of Thrones Season 3. The new Game of Thrones Season 3 Blu-Ray DVD will be available February 18th, 2014.
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"Why should I bring you back to the small council?"
"I can show you where to find the Holy Grail."
Get it? Because the actor was in… ah, forget it.
this is for an english version if ever.
Am I the only one who would like to see a similar scene in either a Superman or Batman movie? For someone to basically call out Clark or Bruce or both and let them know they see through their act. And, yes I know Amanda Waller did something mildly similar in Suicide Squad. But, she was nowhere near as commanding or as forceful as Tywin.
Why was this deleted!?
Now I'm hungry for some fresh fish.
This somehow made me sort of like pycelle
It's no coincidence that we saw Tywin skinning a stag (Baratheon) in a scene and catching fish (Tullys) in this one. The foreshadowing in GoT is insane.
The rock and pool Is nice and cool, So juicy-sweet!
Our only wish, To catch a fish, So juicy-sweet!
Just a side note, you do actually see Pycelle's true colours in episode 10 of season 1 when he stands up and stretches, cracking his back and so on. It's subtle but I think they did just enough to insinuate that he might not be all he seems…
Tywin Lannister conspired to kill the mad king along time along and i think pycelle was in on it.. I think the drugged him until he went mad and then Tywin forced Jamie to kill him
It's interesting to me that pycelle had to remind Tywin that he "convinced" the mad king Aerys to open the gates for the Lannister army on the day of the sack of kings landing
Looked cool.
This scene was great, why did they get rid of it? Tywin was a bad ass. Does what he wants when it suits him because he likes it. Even if its fishing. No fucks given.
Ironic he said he will be rotting beneath the floor of the Sept of Baelor when the Lannisters would not longer be the most powerful house in Westeros. Excellent foreshadowing.
"I could have you return to the dirt this afternoon if you'd like" straight power haha
Such a shame this scene was cut
Qué campechano era Tywin, lo mismo te destripaba al padre de Bambi que te pescaba unas lubinas pa cenar…
"My apologies, my lord, but ComScan has detected an energy shield…"
This scene was awful, no wonder it got deleted.
Its priceless when Tywin just says "stop it"
It's so interesting to watch a man like Tywin doing something for fun. It's even more interesting to watch someone on this show spend their leisure time doing something other than drinking and/or fucking.
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Damn, this scene foreshadowed the fall of the Lannister house and Pycelle's death. Shame it wasn't included, I was really enjoying seeing Pycelle's true colours and makes me enjoy him as a character, although I guess this does kinda spell it out for the audience.
well, he technically did die beneath the sept of baelor
the only reason this wasn't included in the final cut was because Tywin forgot his proper costume and ended up dressing as a high school tech support in modern black…
Tywin had to die. If he didn't die he would rule the seven kingdoms no problem dragons or no dragons, and man Pycelle character pisses me off.
Why didn't they use this scene?!
This scene was genius. Well acted too. No idea why it was cut. I really hope the put it in when the whole series is finished and released in an ultimate collection kind of thing. (Officially inserted)
"Is it possible that so many have been so stupid for so long?"
You don't even have to hear Tywin's voice to know that this is definitely a quote from Tywin Lannister.
This scene would have made Pycelle so much more interesting for the rest of the show.. Instead no one got to see the true Pycelle and kept on seeing that boring demented old man.
Still a better scene than all of season 5-7 combined.
I wish we could've had this scene and then when SPOILERS he gets killed we could've seen his disguise go away again in an act of self preservation.
This scene wasn't deleted… I seen it on the normal run of the episode… weird.
The autogenerated subtitles of this scene is amazing for a change!