The more versatile an artist is, the more coveted they are. Game of Thrones has produced some of the brightest gems in the acting industry, some of them have gone on to play important roles in big production houses such as the MCU and the DCEU. Maisie Williams is definitely one of them, and the actor is exploring wildly different characters, the latest one being the model Pamela Rooke aka Jordan in the upcoming series ‘Pistol‘.

One of the most distinct things to note about Jordan’s looks is her signature hair, which seems to be standing upright like a Dragon Ball Z character. In a recent interview with Variety, Williams talked about how she managed to get it right. She explained, “It was some of my hair. Most of the gravity-defying strands were a wig, and then my hair kind of blended at the sides.”


“Well, the bleach helps a lot. She would use Elnett [hairspray]. She would just brush it upside down with Elnett, and then stand back up again.”

She also reminisced about the time that she spent with Jordan, “She studied as a dancer, and she was running a shop in Seaford, before moving up to London. She was creating this brand for herself prior to being involved in this punk scene. But I think that she was always very different from the people around her, and I think that she never felt lonely in that. She felt very proud, and I always found that very interesting.”

What do you think about Maisie Williams’ Pistol? Talk to us in the comments below!



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