Game of Thrones is one of the great stories of our time. But with the recent ending of Season 6, a question comes to mind. How will it end? We reveal how George R.R. Martin is likely to finish this epic story with a heaping helping of cold hard analysis! Key factors will include: Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, the White Walkers, the Lannisters, Arya Stark, Sansa Stark (I guess?), George R.R. Martin’s brainhole, and probably other dudes.

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  1. The ending is VERY obvious at this point. Jon will become the Night King and Dany the Night Queen. Their child will get the iron throne and rebuild the Targaryen dynasty. What 99% of these theories get wrong, is that time in this story is not linear, it's cyclical. The same things keep happening over and over again. The day will come when the Long Night has become a mere myth and the Targaryens are killed yet again. And Mama Dany unleashes her rage on mankind for what it did to her children, just like she unleashed her rage on the slave masters who hurt her children aka slaves.

  2. Remember what Alliser Thorne said to Jon before Jon hung him?  "I fought. I lost.  Now I rest.  But you, Lord Snow, you'll be fighting their wars forever."  Then Mel brought him back, he told Sansa he was tired of fighting but then he had to defeat Ramsay.  Then he was made KitN, now he has to fight the Walkers, etc.  Jon might end up being offered the Iron Throne for the simple reason that he DOESN'T want it. Dany wants it.  Cersei wants it.  Sansa used to want to be a Queen.  Arya doesn't want a crown, but she does want to continue the fight.  I don't think Dany is going to be a villain, though.  Just that she who thinks she was "born to rule the Seven Kingdoms",  who seeks and takes power, is unlikely to end up getting it in the end.  But I think Jon and Dany will have a kid.  If Jon survives and Dany dies, he'll take the kid and go live in peace somewhere.

  3. like what Dany said in season 6 SHE WILL BREAK THE WHEEL. so yeah i think no one sit on the irom throne. or other theory is Her Child will take the trone with Tyrion as the Hand of the Queen/King. the end😂

  4. Dude compare jon to Jesus but dont be a cunt about it. Believe what u want but some believe in God an Jesus so referring to Him as dude is disrespectful. Regardless of your own beliefs atleast respect others.

  5. "The villain of one side is a hero of the other" . Well this is kinda true but in this case it is depends on the perspective. Since we are watching this from the human not the WW perspective Dany will always be the hero and Cercei/Night King will be the villain. But if we believe that the 4 points you highlighted are true, there could be more overlap between them, and who knows what is the motive of the WW but it is not necessarry as evil is it foreshadowed.

  6. there's going to be white walkers on north with their own dragon, jon king in north with other dragon and dany on iron throne or what is left of it with her own dragon . or as theon's uncle said only ppl on island gonna servive so they left westros and live in esos that dany already concord and freed. like danys vision snow fall in iron throne and red keep was ruined

  7. Dany dies giving birth to their daughter. Jon dies in the dragon pit during the sacking of Kings Landing . Their daughter takes the throne with Tyrion and Mesanda acting as regent. Arya heads east. Gendry and Sansa marry. (North and Storm lands). Sam gets his house. Bronn gets Dorne. And Bran becomes the new night king and starts the cycle again. Which is weird because he dies in episode 2 next season. Thank God for ice alters.


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