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Will Daenerys make Westeros great again? Why is Drogon cuddly with Jon? What are the white walkers planning? What’s the significance of Rhaegar’s remarriage? Does the #GreatWightHeist make any sense? Why is Arya so mad with Sansa? Will Cersei have another child? What does the new pace of Season 7 mean for GOT?

This video contains spoilers for Game of Thrones up to Season 7 and Book 5.


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Special thanks to Patrons @Vineyarddawg, Cameron Weiss, Reverend Xandria, Maryam Essa, Michael Appell, Jason Rattray, Alex Kirkendall, Ryan Steele, Eric Louis-Dreyfus, Thee Stevie Franchise, Triangle Wine Company, AB3, Harry, AirConsole, I ♥ Mondays, Neel Chopdekar, Owen E C-K, Fred Petty, LightCraft Miniature Studios, David Howe, Matthew Elisha Williams, Jake Burling, Chris Amolsch, Chris Cole, Cregg Riley, Bobby Eales, Patrick Lorang Skoglund, Hank Lero, Klayton Anstine, Zach Gordon, Gina Penney, Kara Schutter, Valentin Degen, DscoDan.



  1. i understand what people are saying about cersei and the plan with the wight, but the mountain isn't a zombie, people are just used to hearing "zombie" mountain, but he's not, he never died, he was kept alive from near-death with some fucked up maester shit, hes more like a vegetable that takes commands, but hes not falling to pieces likes the wights are, i think some weird shit is still pumping in those veins. I'm a bit tired of the dragons == wights argument, just because dragons exist why would people believe wights exist, to them, although rare dragons are animals, they breathe, eat and shit like the rest of the seven kingdoms nothing like the wights or white walkers, a kind of magic alien even to the people of westeros

  2. I think some of the criticisms you are making are premature, several times you've been critical of the show, only for your take on what happened to be, well, wrong. I understand the show isn't going to live up to the books, no reasonable person can expect that. But I think getting on the train of people already angry at this or that isn't really, well, useful or interesting.

  3. The Walkers/Others are definitely greenseers, Bran and Bloodraven see them have psychic defenses that impale greenseers and the blue eyes obviously are the icy darkside version of the greenseers green eyes.

  4. Rhaegal and Viserion tolerated Tyrion because they wanted to be freed, it wasn't really the bonding one on one meeting as it was with Jon.
    I don't subscribe to A+J=T, I think the twins being Targs would make more sense..but at the same time he is part of the trifecta of Jon and Dany who are Targs and lost their moms in childbirth and the other 40 things they have in common.

  5. Jamie, who has impregnated Cersei, may be the Valonqar that kills her, but not directly, but through a childbirth. It was very common for women to die in childbirth, and Cersei who is desperate for something to love could be willing to go through with a dangerous birthing despite master telling her not to have it. Though, perhaps she has twins, birthing the first in good order, but the second, a boy, the Valonqar, tears her open much like Tyrion did to their mother.

  6. 15:32 "Dany farewells Jon". I thought it was interesting that Aegon said to Dany, "I wish you good fortune in the wars to come". Which of course were the exact last words of Arthur Dayne to Ned Stark… before Ned brought about Arthur's end. A foreshadowing perhaps of the final days of GOT, when Aegon and Dany have secured the Iron throne, and it is finally revealed that Aegon, not Dany, is the last Targaeryan? How will Dany, who has lived her entire life in the expectation that she will one day rule the 7 kingdoms, take this information?

  7. I mean, valonquar means lover right but as all things translated, could it be more, "what she loves"? Because what she loves more than herself is her children.

    Killed during childbirth by the very thing supposed to redeem her.

  8. There was logic to the Eagles not soaring straight to Mount Doom; they weren't equipped to defeat the flying Nazul circling the territory. They'd be killed before they got anywhere near.

  9. When Jon puts his hand on the dragon's face it reminded me of "How to Train Your Dragon" when a dragon and rider become friends. I finally put it together LMAO. I didn't realize he was the voice actor Eret in the 2nd movie.

  10. 9:52 There's actually a very good reason why eagles couldn't fly the Fellowship of the Ring to Mt. Doom. Because the eagles, like every other race on Middle Earth, would've been susceptible to the power of the One Ring. At least with a journey on foot, if someone is temporarily seduced by the One Ring, then it's possible to recover from it and regain their composure. But if an eagle carrying Frodo hungers for the One Ring just for one second? That's all it'd take for the eagle to drop Frodo to his death. Even if the eagle feels terrible about it two seconds later, Frodo would be dead. At which point the One Ring would consume the eagle's thoughts, it'd claim the One Ring for itself, and then Middle Earth would have to deal with its new winged Dark Lord.

    On the other hand, there was no good reason whatsoever why Daenerys DIDN'T just fly her dragons North straightaway.


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