In 2016, Emilia Clarke sat down on “Live with Kelly” and recounted watching a certain episode of “Game of Thrones” with her parents and how mortifying the experience was. Though her parents had kept up with the show, more or less, they were a little unenthusiastic about her plot in Season 6 of the HBO series.

“Darling, you’re not doing much in this season,” they told her. Nonplussed by their observation, Clarke pointed her parents to Season 6, Episode 4 (“Book of the Stranger”), an episode that ends with a very pivotal Daenerys scene in which she murders the Dothraki lords and seizes control of their armies.

Her parents held off until Clarke finally insisted. “I ended up sitting them down and being like, ‘Let’s watch it!’ and instantly regretting it,” she said. Though the scene is an incredible spectacle, seeing Daenerys set fire to a locked hut and burn her enemies alive in the process, the actress may have forgotten that the scene ends with her stark naked, having lost her clothes in the fire.

“My dad’s like, ‘Again!?'” Clarke recalled. Though her character had been nude before on the show in other important scenes, she hadn’t appeared as such since Season 3. As if it isn’t awkward enough to have your parents see you naked as an adult, to be in the room with them when it happens must have been especially embarrassing.



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