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  1. What if when Jamie, Daenarys and Jon attack kings landing, Jamie sees Cersei losing and in pain, he goes mad and kills Daenarys like he did her father. Stabs her in the back while wearing targaryen armor and becomes queen slayer. Then Jon goes beast mode and kills Jamie. Cersei wins the battle but is killed later by Aria and Sansa becomes the new queen. we have stark on the iron throne. Jon goes back to build the wall with Bran the builder and stays there as the commander of the night watch.

  2. Bran is the little sibling that will kill Cersei. Who else should take her life but the Night King. Anything else is not worthy. He will transform her into his Night Queen by draining the life from her by grabbing her by the throat.

  3. I am predicting Euron Greyjoy is The Little Brother that will strangle Cersei.  Cersei has already publically stated that after the war with Dany she will wed Euron.  I can easily see a broken having lost the crown and everything Cersei still marrying Euron ( even by force from him)  Cersei would make a fine Salt Wife for him and I can see him torturing and eventually killing her, especially if she is truly pregnant with Jamie's child.  Unlike Robert who was either naïve, turned a blind eye or simply didn't care about his wife cheating on him.  I do not see Euron being as forgiving if Cersei ever cheated on him

  4. I had a revelation about the valonqar last night… Valonqar is an old High Valyrian term and Valyrian (minus the Targaryens) civilization had been destroyed going on 400 years before Mag's prophecy. She never said your valonqar, just the valonqar. Why use such an antiquated term instead of just saying little brother? Unless the valonqar is Valyrian, i.e. the last male Targaryen, younger brother of Rhaenys and Aegon, Jon Snow himself. Or it could even be a hint at the speculation of possible Targaryen parentage in Tyrion and Jamie. Tell me this isn't totally out there? I haven't seen it mentioned in valonqar theories but I feel like it holds weight compared to a lot of theories out there.

  5. Is it possible that Euron Greyjoy is the valonqar they are talking about? because he is technically a baby brother, though of someone else. And the prophecy said that it will strangle her.. with Jaimes hand i don't think it is possible that he can stangle someone. And i think on the S7E1, Euron points out that he "have two good hands" that might forshadow he is more capable to strangle someone? What do u guys think?

  6. I feel like the 'valonqar' is sort of a red herring, Meant for us to focus on that, but before that Maggy says 'And when your tears have drowned you' – my thinking is, if she's drown how can anyone, much less the valonqar, choke the life out of her?- So maybe her tears could be salt water/Ironborn, and perhaps she'll become so overwhelmed/defeated by them that the valonqar chokes her in an act of love to spare her torture, pain, death on someone else's terms, etc. before he kills himself, by he I mean Jaime. They decide to join their children after the Ironborn defeat/overwhelm them somehow. What do you think? I dunno it just came to me so it's weak but it sounds like a good start to me.

  7. Gendry would be interesting. If the YMBQ is Arya and Gendry strangles her the same way Stannis strangled Mel (but not to death), But the show hasn't set up he is the younger brother of another character but then it hasn't set up Valonqar at all. Gendry is the younger brother of Mya Stone and Bella.

  8. Euron Greyjoy seems to be one that most forget. We know he'll be in King's Landing this season and if Cercei agrees to marry him (making him king) he'll have no more use for her. They already hate the Lannisters (like most). Also she could decline him initially then agree later not knowing that Euron is far worse than her. As Tywin told Cercei, she's not as smart as she thinks she is.

  9. What Tyrion said at 2:282:42 was because Cercei thought Ros was Tyrion's whore, Tyrion needed to act that he really cares about Ros so he will hurt Cercei for what she did to 'his whore', to protect Shae, the one he truly cared about.
    So in my opinion he didn't really mean it that way, and I've never felt any very obvious motivation for killing Cercei from him even he knew Cercei commanded the guard to kill him during the Blackwater battle, he even showed sympathy for her when she was weeping talking about how much she loves her children.
    They might never had siblings love and Cercei's always mean to him and even wants him dead, but the TV show has never shown his intention to kill her to me.


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