Cersei has hired the Golden Company to fight for her in season 8, but who are the Golden Company? And what can we expect them to do, given what what we know about them from the books?

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  1. It's true the GC exists solely for putting a Blackfyre on the Iron Throne but those glory days are over with the death of the last Blackfyre, Maelys The Monstrous. The last Blackfyre Rebellion has already ended about 4 decades ago in the first book, where most of it's original members are now deceased. To say the GC is still loyal to the Blackfyre cause is very unlikely. Most of it's current members are merely descendants of the original members without the loyalty. Even the current Captain General doesn't display any kind of loyalty to the Blackfyre cause.

    Honestly, since the show already merged Jon with Young Griff, there's no reason for the GC to make an appearance. No doubt the GC was thrown in the mix just to justify Cercei's continual existence despite having no reason to. There are two ways for this to play out:

    1) The GC is a generic, faceless sellsword company with no real importance in the story, other than boosting Cercei's army.
    2) The GC plays it's original role to support a new character (in the show) which is Young Griff a.k.a the "real" Aegon Targaryen to take the Iron Throne by breaking it's contract for the first time for Young Griff.

  2. Yes the book version of the golden company is different…a great deal…i wonder if the show will even touch on their former targaryen background…cause they have cersei hiring them in the show…so they r hired in the show to fight the last 2 targaryens…and that is a mistake…i think a betrayal…the company decides to lay down arms and pledge to jon and dany…and I agree that this could be why they named jon aegon…the aegon was discussed a couple times in earlier seasons…in reference to the mountain killing ellia…aegon 1…and the daughter…rhaenys I think…her name was something like that…oberyn Martel discussed it and I think his brother doran did also but not for sure on that…great vid man!!! U forgot 1 BIG difference from book to show…in the books they r the largest sellsword company that is true…but they didn't have 20000…they had 10000…but it's an exciting new element and they will prolly just fight jon and dany for cersei and euron because of how short of time is left…but I for one would love a "screw this psycho wench…we r gonna declare for the dragon Lord's swerve" just cause I hate cersei that much!!! Lol

  3. Kid really like to see what they do when they see the white walkers. I'm not sure they'll stay with Cersei. Anyone think Euron may try to rip off Cersei by stealing some money meant for the Golden Company?

  4. Another great video with tons of valuable background info and theories. Any chance you can do a video addressing the thought that Melissandre will be returning from Volantis to Westeros with the Fiery Hand army in tow to help fight the NK in season 8. Thanks!

  5. I really like that you want the GC to stay loyal to Cersei for their vows to still mean something.
    Obviously, though we're talking about exiled lords who want their lands and castles back. I think at the end of the day something will happen to do with the White Walkers that will make a great deal of the Iron Throne battle meaningless. The GC will be caught up in that war … So they may want to have the GC defect to the Targaryen side as they are much more likely to restore all these men to their former glory, but that's impossible to tell at the moment. It seems to be more likely than your more idealistic and noble outcome.

  6. I think either they will be a glorified sell sword company or they won't make it to Westeros due to the plot. Their complete history will not be revealed in the show in my opinion.

  7. I have a hard time believing that they will play any significant role in the final season. I like how you broke down the major and they are major differences between show and book and how we shouldn't be locked into believing they have the same motives or driving force that guides them in the books.

    Possibly Dany already paid them, before she left to Westeros, knowing the sell-swords may be a problem in Esos, therefore, she has them loyal to her in the show, but even this theory relies on how committed they are to their contracts which has only been shown in the books.

    Maybe someone (Jaime) will tell Dany or Jon that the gold is on it's way to Esos and all Dany has to do is go out there on Drogon and burn his fleet on the way out or on the way in, problem solved.

    Possibly they have been influenced by the Red Priestesses and will show up to fight the Others. Just like you, I can't believe they would support Dany or Jon just because they are Targarians, that goes directly against book cannon and doesn't make any sense.

    Keep up the good work, it's been fun over the year seeing you progess in your videos, you are now in the top 10 theoriests and only get tin foilly once in a while, and that's ok.

  8. Firzt, thank u for ur in depth videos, I love them! However, I'm slightly confused about the fact that in the show (I'm waiting to read the books so as not to confuse myself further, due to having been only given the option of watching the show cuz of my new fiance already having seasons 1-3 on dvds while I was recovering from extensive back surgeries), The Golden company is being paid by Cersei w/the gold taken during the sacking of High Garden, but I was under the impression that the said gold was ultimately to pay the extreme debt owed to The Iron Bank. Did I miss something?

  9. Very interesting

    Daario will betray daenerys teason for love he will take her to ceresi jorah could be key with The golden company could end his life saving daenerys season 8 very plausible

  10. I've been binge watching all of your videos… Keep up the good work! Your theories and explanations are very interesting and have helped me learn much more about various aspects of the story. Looking forward to your next video.

  11. I think the GC will be the only army[+ Half Ironborns] that Cercei will have in S8 after the half Lannister army decimated in the field of fire and the other half go with Jaime[lead by Bronn] in the final battle in the North..As for Jon/Aegon..he is not a Blackfyre ..he is a complete Targaryen..FakeAegon[Young Griff]in the books is against Jon/Danny/Cercei and is an entitled/selfish cunt who cares about his ass only..Exactly what Cercei is .Jon in the other is not a character like that..He is a selfless guy who cares about his people,wants to help them and to die fighting for them.Danny also..The Young Griff character fits to Cercei in the show..In my opinion she could be a secret bastard Targaryen..[A+J=C+J?]..Her obsession with the incest,wildfire and bringing unnecessary chaos in the world are actually the MK issues..Also she lied about her pregnancy and thats why:[a]if she was cared about her child to be alive in the end ,she would have send armies in the North to help Jon/Danny in the war..but she lied about that..[b]she chooses to drop this wicked[fake;] bombshell to Jaime when he started to realise that she is mad..using also Qyburn as her lawyer to support that and..[c]drops the same bombshell to Tyrion [ her theatrical moves in this scene may prove my theory about her fake pregnancy,body language never tell lies]trapping him into a dilemma ..support his queen or his family and making him a traitor in Dannys team..At least Jaime follows his duty to save the realm instead to stay with Cercei ..Im wonder if Euron will not chew this Cercei pregnant;..i dont think ..He is going to kill her for the throne..I will like you to make a video about Cerceis fake pregnancy ..What do you think;

  12. Difficult to say how important they'll be… But with such a short final season, I'd much rather see a greater focus on storylines such as the idea of red priestesses (fire) joining the fight against the White Walkers, Bran in general being more involved, the mysteries of Winterfell and even the importance of the alleged Children of the Forest at the God's Eye. Can't help but think D&D are missing loads of tricks here with the the storylines they've pursued, but we'll see I guess. Thanks for another informative video – looking forward to another year or so of speculation about the next season on your channel.

  13. CHEERS Robert!🇬🇧Why do u think Cersei thinks the Golden Company will save her. I'm surprised they're coming into the Game this late. I know about them from the books. This is probably a stupid question…but whose Sigil is on BITTERSTEEALS Banners? I could look it up. But I'm lazy. Ha. Is it House Valerion(spelling??).

  14. I'm a GOT show addict…I've only read part of a dance with dragons so I'm confused about something….can you explain about the Tarleys, why wouldn't they bend the knee to Dany if they originally supported the Targaryens? Or did I miss something?


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