Generative AI is all the rage lately. With tools like ChatGPT, you can ask it a question, and get a coherent answer that is both lucid and accurate (well, some of the time).

ChatGPT can also give opinions on things, including popular TV shows from the past decade. For instance, who’s the best fighter on Game of Thrones? ChatGPT has an answer: apparently it’s Ser Arthur Dayne.

Now, that question is debatable, but it’s fun that the robot has an answer. We decided to keep going in that direction, so we asked ChatGPT a new question: “Who the smartest character from Game of Thrones“? We specified that it could only provide one answer. Here’s what it said:

It’s hard to deny that there are many intelligent and strategic characters in the show. However, if I had to choose only one, I would say that Tyrion Lannister is the smartest character on the show.

Tyrion is a master of political maneuvering and strategic thinking. He is able to outsmart his enemies with his quick wit and cunning mind. He has a unique ability to see things from multiple perspectives and use this knowledge to his advantage.

Throughout the series, we see Tyrion navigate dangerous political situations and come out on top through his intelligence and cleverness. He is also one of the few characters who is able to see the bigger picture and understand the consequences of actions that others may not see.

Tyrion’s intelligence is not only evident in his political prowess, but also in his vast knowledge and ability to use it to his advantage. He is well-read and well-educated, which allows him to make connections and come up with solutions that others may not have considered.

Overall, Tyrion’s intelligence and strategic thinking make him one of the most fascinating and beloved characters on Game of Thrones, and in my opinion, the smartest.

“In my opinion.” It’s just the robot’s opinion, everybody, no need to get mad if you disagree. Although if you do get mad, the robot won’t care, so rage is a more acceptable option than usual.

Who is the smartest person on Game of Thrones? Ask AI

That said, Tyrion is a reasonable choice, although I’m sure there are plenty of fans who think his strategic errors in the back half of the series disqualify him from the title of “smartest playing on Game of Thrones.” It’s all debatable.

When we asked ChatGPT to name the smartest person on the show without qualifying that we only wanted one answer, it hedged and named a bunch of people, including Littlefinger, Varys, Tywin Lannister and Olenna Tyrell. Do any of them deserve to be honored over Tyrion? The robot doesn’t have the final say; the debate continues.

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