Once upon a time in the 1990s, there was a sitcom called Family Matters. It started as a slice-of-life comedy about a working class Chicago family, but pretty early on it was highjacked by a character named Steve Urkel, a high-waisted nerd with a nasal voice, a catchphrase, and sometimes a time machine.

The ’90s were a weird time for TV. If you were there, you know, and if you weren’t, look what you missed. Anyway, Urkel completely took over the series and became a cultural icon. He was played by Jaleel White.

White did other things after Family Matters ended in 1998, but I’m not going to mention them because what’s the point of fighting gravity? And now, Urkel will play a space pirate in the upcoming Star Wars TV show Skeleton Crew, which will come out on Disney+.

Jaleel White (Steve Urkel) reveals release window for Star Wars: Skeleton Crew

This news comes from White himself, who spilled the beans at a hockey game:

“I’m actually going to be on a new series on Disney+ starring Jude Law called Skeleton Crew,” White said. “Yeah, it’s coming out in November, November/December, and it’s part of the Star Wars universe. So, that’s a big change for me, man. I had to do two hours of makeup every day. I get to play a pirate!”

So not only did White reveal that he’s on the show, he gave out some information about his role and even revealed the release window. I’m having a good time.

Skeleton Crew is about a group of kids who come aboard and spaceship and somehow find themselves far from home. The show will be about them trying to find their way home. And Jude Law is indeed there, although we don’t know exactly in what capacity. Catch Urkel at a baseball game and he might spill.

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h/t MovieWeb



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