This video includes all of Lannister and Lannister household deaths in the show so far. This is a reupload becuase the other one didn’t have sound. The deceased in order of appearance, Alton Lannister, Martyn Lannister, Willem Lannister, Joffrey, Tywin Lannister, Myrcella, Grand Maester Pycelle, Kevan Lannister, Lancel Lannister and Tommen.
If there is somebody I forgot to mention leave it down in the comments below and I will let you know why they are not on the list, it very likely I forgot about them.



  1. i like how Jaime no longer perpetuates hatred like he used to. he used to be one of those people who commits those horrible murders. now he sees the ones he loves become the victims, and he doesn;t go all murder crazy like cercei does….. he understands the cycle and how in a way its retribution…and he doesnt seek to continue it by running off and taking revenge

  2. Video is titled Lannister household deaths, not family deaths. Pycelle is house Lannister all the way. Same with bronn and the mountain, even qyburn. The hound at one point and littlefinger on the surface at least.

  3. Nice to see evil Jeffry die in his evil mothers arms.. He deserved it well done Ollena Tyrel, you saved a lot of people from unnecessary pain.. Sad to see Tommen go, his queen was blown up by his own mother, the things the male Lannisters do for love!


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