Not everyone enjoyed the eighth season of Game of Thrones. The fan base was divided in half by the season finale. A season remake was sought by one, while the other was happy with how things ended. The lack of George R. R. Martin‘s next book series was cited by some as the cause. Others placed the blame on the showrunners’ intense desire to work with Disney’s Lucasfilm to produce a Star Wars feature picture trilogy at the same time. The show’s alum, Bella Ramsey (Lyanna Mormont), however, thought that they did a good job.

Bella Ramsey thinks Game of Thrones showrunners did well with the ending

Despite being one of the most controversial endings in television history, there are quite a few people who support it. And The Last of Us star is one of them. Though their character does not survive till the end, fans love Lyanna Mormont, and hence they never went through the conflict that followed. While talking to Independent in a recent interview, they said,

“I was pretty insulated… [showrunners Daniel Weiss and David Benioff] did a good job with what they had.”

bella ramsey lyanna mormont

How Bella Ramsey dealt with The Last of Us hate

When Ramsey was chosen as the lead in The Last of Us, not a lot of people were happy with their casting. Ramsey described how they dealt with all the trolling by being completely unbothered by online opinions. They said, “Whatever decision is made by the creators, there’s gonna be opinions. It’s quite nice to just have that level of distance from it now.”

Read Next: Conleth Hill (Varys) was “inconsolable” after Game of Thrones Season 8 finale disaster



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