House of the Dragon has no shortage of complex and strong female characters. One of the most-awaited characters in the show, Lady Jeyne Arryn of Vale, recently made her first appearance in episode 5 of the fifth season. Played by Amanda Collin, Jeyne will be an important ally to the Blacks going forward.

Jeyne Arryn debuts on House of the Dragon

Jeyne Arryn was the head of House Arryn during the Dance of the Dragons. Rhaenyra sends Rhaena along with her youngest children and dragons to Jeyne for protection during the war. Though skeptical at first, Lady Arryn welcomes the young Targaryen princelings and hosts them in her halls.

Fans ecstatic to see their favorite Lady of Vale

Fans who are familiar with the lore of Fire & Blood know how important Lady Jeyne Arryn is to the Dance of the Dragons. She acted as a mother figure to Rhaenyra’s young children, who had to be kept away from the war. The fandom welcomed the character with open arms on social media:

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