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  1. If you're going into book discussions this off-season, I want to hear Gil's thoughts on his Harry Potter binge! Something about a JK Rowling/GoTA discussion fascinates me, if only to watch Itamar roll his eyes and gloriously praise GRRM over and over.

  2. Guys. With all the problems with Ep 6, why the continued issue with dragonglass? They ALL had dragonglass except for Gendry, who used his hammer and then left. The Hound had daggers, Jorah had daggers, Tormund had made an axe with it- even the redshirts had dragonglass! And John had Valyrian steel and Beric and Thoros had fire, so what's the issue? For all the plot mistakes in that episode, why pick on that… otherwise, good video- a fair review of the character arcs of S7, enjoyed it, thumbs up.

  3. Hitler's diary in the attic – unemployed terrorists – and "I don't care about Gendry" – you guys covered it all. I'm hoping the Queen of Thorns took out a Faceless Man contract on Cersei

  4. Favorites: Jon, The Hound, Tyrion, Varys, The Night's King. Least favorites or I just don't care about: Ayra, Cercei, The Mountain, Sansa, Bran, Brienne, Bronn, Ramsey, the entire Greystoke family, or whatever their names are, etc. Loved Ian McShane's brief appearance. That was awesome.

  5. I never understood why so many people like the Gendry character – he's totally boring as a person (nice guy, so what?) and I don't see the need to bring him back when the show is doing everything to reduce complexity.

  6. Hi Gil and Itamar! Thank you for another great video. In a random thought I was thinking that Bran is the counter to a great saying "What was was will never be again." Bran knows the 'real' truth. He can relive it, experience the emotions, and understand what 'was'. He's a constant barometer by which you can measure what 'was'.

  7. If Cersi is Mary Tudor and Sansa is QE1 then this could fit with the 'baby' being related to here cause of death? I.e uterine cancer resulting in phantom pregnancies?

    This also links with the prophecy and the little sibling killing her. If both Cersi and Danny die it childbirth then all the prophesies are fulfilled as neither will live long enough to see their children..

  8. Why does Theon have such a pain barrier and get to fight on despite being beaten to a pulp? He was only tortured horrifically for months on end in every part of his body and survived. Sure it was gimicky but I liked the theon scene

  9. So admittedly I am only a show watcher, but I think you guys are too hard on the show in some ways. I really enjoy your channel and can see why you and others have your opinions about the show. It's obvious that they are working off an outline. If the books were finished I think they could have had 10 seasons for sure. But as book readers you guys have to appreciate that that D&D aren't trying to fill it with their own nuances right? That would be bad because clearly they don't have GRRM's depth. I've been going back and re watching and I think given the situation they are doing a good job of trying to tie up the story from an outline. I think some of the causal viewers aren't seeing how they are going back and answering questions that were asked all the way back in season 1. Hopefully season 8 will wrap in a way that pleases book readers and hbo fans. What do you think?

  10. guys almost all of them had weapons to kill wights thormund had an dragonglass axe the red shirts knives and spears i think ,jorah knive,thoros and berrick fire swords ,jon valyrian steel ,except gendry and sandor all of them had apropiate weapons to fight wights

  11. Few thoughts about Arya. She has pretty mixed storyline since the last moment in Bravos. She did not remember things correctly, there has been fight in the dark and than someone brought Wayff face. I do not know if the D&D will go for such conclusion (I think that they are embracing simplicity and fan service too much), but what about Arya is in fact a faceless (wo)man? In fact being not Wayff and not Arya, as both of them perished in that darkness, but a real No one. And No One with mission. And if this is true, who is the target? Is it Jon? Danny? Night King? And who has requested that kill? In fact in the books this is much more probable than in the TV show (mind the faceless man in the Citadel and the fact that the original direction of this one was probably the wall, but something happened.

  12. Ed fucking Shereen in GOT was a metaphor for the season – out of character and immersion breaking. From that scene, I knew this season would be a let down and I wasn't wrong 🙁

  13. All of the magnificent 7 had dragon glass. They were just stupido, and waited until after it mauled Thoros before they used it. But I guess when you're being attacked by a bear, going for a dagger isn't your first inclination.

  14. Sam's character was practically wasted in season 7. He went to the citadel just to find out that obsidian is there? Stannis told him that years ago. And if his character arc was meant to discover that Jon Snow was heir to the throne, and cure Jorah so he doesn't have to kill himself, then that's even worse. The entire citadel story was a disappointment.


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