In House of the Dragon, Aegon’s prophecy is poised to trigger one of the most devastating wars in the history of Westeros. This secret has been closely guarded and handed down through generations of the Targaryen family. And there might be more ways in which the prophecy influences the storyline, as revealed by showrunner Ryan Condal.

Aegon’s Prophecy planted the seeds of war

In a recent episode of the Official Game of Thrones podcast, Ryan Condal goes into depth about what has happened so far in House of the Dragon, and the events to unfold. He says,

“I don’t want to say too much on that just yet. The seeds have all been planted and we’re seeing them get sown and grow into interesting things as we go along. But I think we became really interested in the prophecy, this dream that Aegon the Conqueror had of essentially seeing the long night playing out and how he carried that through his life and then probably passed it on to generations beneath him, and the way that prophecy is often talked about and dramatized in high fantasy stories like this.”

The prophecy gives House of the Dragon “the chosen one” trope

Most of the modern fantasy media follow the chosen hero trope. They give a proper division between good and bad to a story. However, in House of the Dragon, it results in two factions giving in to their worst thoughts. Condal continues:

“We know the chosen one trope: Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker. We were really, really intrigued by the idea of knowing that and…having seen the original series that that prophecy not only didn’t happen to Aegon the Conqueror, it also doesn’t happen to anybody in this timeline and anyone for many decades and centuries to come. But the knowledge of that prophecy and the fact that it’s real, how does that impact the characters in our present timeline?”

Read Next: Paddy Considine and Matt Smith fought to keep the improvised throne room scene in House of The Dragon Episode 8

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10/05/2024 12:47 am GMT

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