Jack Gleeson, best known for playing Joffrey Bartheon in Game of Thrones speaks at the Oxford Union.
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0:25 – 1) What do you think King Joffery would make of the principal of free speech at The Oxford Union?
1:08 – 2) Why do you want to retire from acting and what plans do you have for the future?
3:00 – 3) Whats it like to act out a one-dimensional, consitantly evil character?
3:57 – 4) What’s the most difficult scene to act out in the series so far?
4:35 – 5) A lot of actors use past experiences to act out scenes, have you ever had a past experience shooting prostitutes before?
5:15 – 6) You get slapped a lot of times in the series, are they real slaps?
5:50 – 7) Have you ever encountered any hardcore fans being hostile towards you?
6:15 – 8) Has the character of Joffery seeped into your everyday life?
6:38 – 9) If you had to relate your personality to a real life Game of Thrones character, who do you thik it’d be?
7:27 – 10) What’s your favourite moment in the series so far?
8:20 – 11) What was your reaction to the Red Wedding episode?
9:00 – 12) What can we expect from season 4?
9:40 – 13) In the cast of Game of Thrones who would you say you look up to the most?
10:33 – 14) Are there any actors or actresses you would have liked to have spent more time with?
11:15 – 15) Who would you say is your best friend on set?
11:50 – 16) Who is the king of banter on set?
12:19 – 17) Have there been any funny moments or pranks on set?
13:38 – 18) If you could behead a character who would it be?
14:13 – 19) Snog? Marry? Avoid?… Daenerys? Majorie? Ergret?
14:50 – 20) Snog? Marry? Avoid?… Rob Stark? John Snow? Jamie Lannister?
Filmed on Wednesday 27th November 2013

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Jack Gleeson (born 20 May 1992) is an Irish actor, best known for his portrayal of Joffrey Baratheon in the HBO television series Game of Thrones.

The Union is the world’s most prestigious debating society, with an unparalleled reputation for bringing international guests and speakers to Oxford. It has been established for 190 years, aiming to promote debate and discussion not just in Oxford University, but across the globe.

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Filmed by Oxford Media Solutions



  1. I hope in the future, if Jack becomes an academic or a teacher and he makes a speech, I can listen to intelligent questions about his academic work and a discussion that isn't about a character he played in a TV show.

  2. How can an audience comprised largely of Oxford University students be so fucking moronic?

    Jack gave a heartfelt, eloquent and thought provoking speech about the superficial nature of celebrity culture and the asinine obsession people have with it, and their response is "Yeah but who smells the most in Game of Thrones lol"

  3. During Jack's (awesome and insightful) speech, the interviewer on the left didn't make a single note. And then during this (awfully questioned) Q&A session, the interviewer proceeds to read off a list of previously prepared questions that had virtually nothing to do with what Jack previously discussed. Terrible effort by the interviewer –
    which is a real shame, because what Jack spoke about was fascinating.

  4. Such stupid behavior from the Oxford Union and the interviewer. He spoke for such length about an intense topic and the interviewer asks him such stupid questions about the show. I mean I was expecting him or the audience to ask him about his speech and discuss further about it but instead we got to see is comic con qna. What stupidity.

  5. Jack must have been so disappointed in Oxford Union.
    He thought them worthy of discussing the complex subject of celebrity worship on an intellectual level, and their response was the same questions that every celebrity interview.


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