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Entire Game of Thrones Timeline (12,000 yrs)
I’ll cover from the moment the white walkers return, all the way back to the first men invading Westeros and battling the children of the forest + everything in between like…
Age of Heroes, The long night, Azor Ahai, The Wall, Night’s king, Andal invasion, Valyrians discovering dragons, Rhoynar migration, founding of Dragonstone, Targaryen Migration to Dragonstone,
The Doom of Valyria, Aegon’s Conquest, The Dance of the Dragons, Last dragon dying, Dorne joing the Seven Kingdoms, Blackfyre Rebellions, Dunk and Egg, Summerhall tragedy, Reynes of castemere,
King Aerys 2nd descent to madness, Tourney at Harrenhal, Lyanna Stark kidnapped, Death of the Starks, Robert’s rebellion, Daenerys’ birth, and finally the Greyjoy Rebellion

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  1. That is a great video .Of the timeline of Games of Thrones ,Since most the videos on Game of Thrones .And it's history has been from HBO ,And people putting things on from there  box sets they buy .To show the history of Westeros ,But you made a timeline and it is good .

  2. I'm going to assume that 1 AC correlates to 1 AD in real life history. if so, holy shit. I really thought GoT was taking place in some sort of middle age time like 1100s type era but its only 300 years after the Targaryen conquering… a funny spin off would be the GoT universe in a sort of present day to take a look at all the descendants of these people and how the power struggles shaped the political landscape of a modern day westeros

  3. Fantastic video and presentation. However that yellow coloured font was the wrong choice I think. Very stressful on the eyes.

    Perhaps the colour of the text being discussed should have been the same colour as the relevant time period before it fades to grey.

    Really enjoyable presentation though. Great video.

  4. Heroic effort. As a fan of the TV series who has never read (and does not intend to read ) George R. R. Martin's books, the information you have complied is very valuable indeed and improves my appreciation and enjoyment of the TV series. My following two comments are intended as positive, not negative criticism and I hope they are taken in that spirit. Firstly, your elocution is not optimal. At times, I found it testing to understand what you were saying, having to stop and replay time and time again. Secondly, the graphical representation of your timeline can be improved as follows: Identify the years as nodes rather than durations. You describe 'ages' and 'events'. 'Ages' being a period (usually named after the fact, an era which can only be described when viewed from a historical perspective, typically lasting from a few years to several centuries. 'Events' on the other hand are relatively short, (typically occurring within a specific year, even a specific day (a marriage for example)). If you accept these definitions, I propose that an 'Age' would be better identified on the timeline if titled between the year nodes demarcating its beginning and end. An 'Event' on the other hand would be titled on the specific year in which it occurs. What do you think? Should you ever decide to have a second go, I hope these suggestions go some way toward making your work even more helpful in the future. Thanks again.

  5. We think Drogon is big then we hear and see Balerion is two or three times his size and we know they are lesser dragon lords so their dragons must be nothing compared to the ones in Valyria


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