All the Game of Thrones season 1 blu-ray and dvd commentary tracks are awesome, but this bit from the start of episode 3 made me smile, just had to share it.

Season 2 commentary tracks are equally awesome:



  1. Maybe GRRM will think the actors are so cute he won't kill off the characters? …Maybe? (But seriously though he has to leave at least one Stark alive at the end or else the whole story will have no point… unless the characters all become really heroic and do great things before they die… which they probably will… CURSE YOU GEORGE R.R. MARTIN!!)

  2. Wiener, wiener, wiener, wiener (continues in background)
    One wiener, next to another wiener
    Two wieners alongside yet another wiener
    Party, wiener party wiener party wiener party (continues in background)
    Soft wiener, nice and soft, not erect, wiener!


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