R + L = J is the Game Of Thrones theory that Jon Snow is part Stark and part Targaryen and the rightful heir to the throne. The Theory suggests that his real parents are Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. Confused? This UPROXX video explains it all.

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  1. Rhaegar and Lyanna were married when Jon was conceived. which is why i believe that she ran off with rhaegar and died during child birth and made ned promise not to tell anyone because she knew robert would kill him like he did rhaegar.

  2. Rhaegar and Lyanna would have to be married for Jon Snow to be the heir to the Iron Throne. Otherwise, he's just a royal bastard. And as we saw with Joffrey at the end of Book 1/Season 1, in Westeros it doesn't matter if you have or don't have the birthright to the throne, what matters is if you have the power to take it.

  3. I had to watch your video all over again because I was so mesmerized by your drawings that I first missed half of what you were saying. About what is to happen next in the books and series, I believe that theory is the right one, and believe Jon Snow will be back from the dead to acquire the throne by his acts of courage. It would be a good ending to this game of thrones where the fight for the throne between the Baratheon, the Martell, the Lanister is nothing but a farce. I am impressed by the work of analysis so many people have been doing to come to those conclusions, so much, in fact, that even in the eventuality the story goes another way, the people working together to get to this ending are pure geniuses, for it will remain in my mind as the best fanfiction I've ever come across. Kudos everybody!

  4. Robert Baratheon never gave such an order but he went along with it because he knew it's what "had to be done." Ned wanted the Lannisters to answer for their heinous crimes but Bobby B forgave them.

  5. Well..we'll never find out now, will we?
    my guess is that we'll see John back alive..the lady melissandre is just going to ressurect him with her powers just like Thoros of Myr did with Beric Dundarion

  6. This might prove true…. all except Jon's oath to the Nights Watch to foresake all such ties and claims and family except the brotherhood… so he might refuse it in the end, but it makes sense that he would live now, when so many others have fallen.

  7. This theory will prove true, however he won't necessarily inherit the throne, as there are 2 other Targaryan heirs… Dany and I believe one of them has yet to be revealed much to everyone's dismay when they discover who it is!  🙂

  8. Tywin lannister wasn't ordered by Robert to do anything. The books make it clear that Tywin betrayed the mad king last minute and took kings landing in Robert's name and killed the children to secure Robert's faith in the lannisters as being allies and not a clan that was a party of the enemy.

    Robert was relieved about how they killed the children because he wasn't likely to do it himself because of Ned's disapproval of such actions and how as a hero to the lands he didn't want the reputation of a child killer.


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