Qyburn asks Jaime how many men he saved? Jaime answers half a million (A reference to him to killing the Mad King and saving Kings Landing)

Season 3, Episode 7: The Bear and the Maiden Fair Backup channel:



  1. Now in season 7, Tyrion tells Jon that approximately 1 million people live in kings landing. Now this sounds improbable given that the event took place some 20-25 years ago and city was also sacked at that time.

  2. Jamie Season 1-Season 7:
    Season 1: Number two on the worst of the worst list.
    Season 2: Cocky
    Season 3: Humble
    Season 4: His brothers savior
    Season 5: Torn between the tyrion and cersei traits within himself
    Season 6: honorable no longer villainous
    Season 7: Best character on the show

  3. Haha, now I get it. It's all a bad joke the gods play on Jamie. He betrayed his king because his king was about to betray his people and soon he'll betray his queen because she betrayed him AND is about to betray the people.

  4. So funny to still see on the Game of Thrones-Youtube-pages where everyone is trying to right-talk every character they like/love.
    Can you not simply see, there is no good or evil. No hero or villain. They all show certain violent and misdirected behaviour.
    Like Jaime, he isn't pure evil, he isn't good either. He attacked a Lord(Ned), attempt to kill a boy(Bran), has sex with his own sister(Cersei) and betrayed the king he swore to protect(Aerys).

    Now, as the story continues, he explains why he did, and WE(the showwatchers) get to decide what we find that is right or wrong.
    That's the whole point.
    In my interpretation, the one who will sit on the iron throne or rules the entire world, isn't that interesting in my opinion.
    Now what is important, is the entire world better off ,after the wars and pillaging and murdering and so on…
    What or who will continue living in that world?
    Will everything be burned to ashes?
    Will everything turn into ice?
    Does every character magically come back to live again?
    Was it all a dream?

    I think, we Game of Thrones-fans, should ask ourselves more deeper questions about the outcome of these series than simply trying to figure out who is to sit next on that ugly iron chair…
    (but hey, that's just me)

  5. Jaime did save the population of KL. It doesn't matter if Tywin sacked the city, Jaime still saved them from being killed by wildfire. It wasn't his fault that Tywin ans his troops arrived only shortly thereafter. But still, they were saved from a death by wildfire, and for a few more moments. Sad but true.

  6. Jamie did save 1/2 a million lives because the estimate of 1/2 a million is the current estimation. everyone still alive owes their life to Jamie. Before the city was sacked the population would have been slightly higher. After the sacking, the remaining population was 1/2 a million therefore Jamie saved 1/2 a million. My man is a g cuz

  7. Qyburn: how many lives have you saved?
    Jaime: half a million, the population of kings landing
    Qyburn: are you taking in count all the men your father and his man killed and raped during the sack after you killed the King?
    Jaime: … ok maybe i saved only 10 or 20.

  8. Qyburn seems like a ww2 German scientist, and I'm pretty sure that when the mad king opened the gates and tywin sacked the city thousands died, so Jaime did not save the whole population of kings landing


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