Scene from Game of Thrones, Season 7, Episode 7



  1. What I loved most bout this scene, was that back in season 1 where Jon received Ghost, Theon poked fun at Jon for being the runt of the litter, despite him being second oldest amongst the siblings. It indicates Theon looked down on Jon for being a bastard and gave him a hard time of it as they all grew up together. Further more Theon always looked at himself as a Lord or Prince being the last son and heir to the Iron Islands, at his highest he showed arrogance to Jon during his lowest. Now when the shoe is on the other foot, Jon as the king at his highest strengthened or gave Theon his new Resolve, leading by example not just talking it when Theon is at his complete lowest point.

  2. Really love the acting in this scene between them. You can practically watch Theon's burden lift off his shoulders when Jon forgives him. Theon needed that forgiveness to push ahead. Same with Jon. He looks ready to punch the hell out of Theon when the man says he couldn't decide what path to choose. The moment Theon accepts responsibility for his actions, though, Jon is ready to let go of his personal grudge. Of course, the best part has to be when the kick-to-the-balls failed. Theon's suffering has reached a point where it works in his favor. XD

  3. Theon isn't a good man. But damn, I root for him here. He's acknowledged everything in full. And he seeks redemption by saving the one person who had saved him once. I hope he succeeds.

  4. I think the final duel scene will be repeated in ss8, Theon to Euron, in a Kingsmoot.

    "What is dead may never die, only rise, stronger and better."

    "Ha-…Ha… not so craven… eh…"

  5. Theon Greystark eh? Funny thing is the Greystarks were actually a cadet branch to House Stark just like the Karstarks. Though due to them siding with House Bolton centuries ago to try and overthrow House Stark they were killed. Thus the Starks gave the Manderly's (who were run out of the Reach) the right to claim the ruins of House Greystark (the Wolf's Den) and to rebuild, in turn making White Harbor and gaining the loyalty and respect of the Manderlys until the end of time.

    The show did the Manderlys and Umbers no justice.

  6. This is what I love about Daenerys. She listens to her advisers, she too was bullied and hurt, she too suffered, so now she is trying to help those less fortunate. She does have a good heart, which is something our world doesn't like, we now prefer the Cerseis and Trumps of this and GRRM's worlds.

  7. I"m no expert about castration, but wouldn't it still hurt to receive a kick that low ? I mean, the guts, artery and all those veins are still pretty close. I remember receiving a hit in the pelvic region once, not even touching the stone or pillars, and it still hurted as hell.


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