Game of Thrones is over. Now come the retrospectives, including one from cultural critic Myles McNutt, whose name you may recognize. Way back when, he’s the guy who coined the term “sexposition” to describe scenes early on Game of Thrones where the producers felt the need to distract us from boring info dumps with writhing naked people, most infamously with Littlefinger in that one scene from season 1. #NeverForget.

ANYWAY, the book is titled Game of Thrones: A Guide to Westeros and Beyond: The Complete Series, and while we don’t know a whole lot about it yet, the cover is pretty nifty:

There’s already an entry up on Amazon and Penguin and basically anywhere books are sold. Here’s the official synopsis, or the back cover, if you will:

Delve deeper into Westeros than ever before.

Explore the captivating world of HBO’s Emmy-award-winning series, Game of Thrones. This ultimate companion will guide you through the story of Ice and Fire from season one to eight, bringing together the intricate storylines, complex characters, and breath-taking geography.

Ice: In the North, an army of the dead gathers

Fire: In the South, kings and queens battle for the Iron Throne

When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die.

McNutt himself encourages us to think of the book as a kind of “show-exclusive” World of Ice and Fire, the companion book to George R.R. Martin’s novel series. If there’s any series that can support this much supplementary material, it’s this one.

McNutt also did the Expert Game of Thrones reviews for The A.V. Club for the past few years. He’s very much at home in Westeros. There’s doesn’t look to be an official release date yet but here’s hoping this’ll be a good read!

Next: Why did the new Prince of Dorne vote for Bran to be king?

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