What if Weather GeoEngineering is a front? What if Chemtrails are in fact portals / stargates for Demons, a Demonic Highway Transport System for CERN’s mined Dark Programmable Anti-Matter to travel the entire Earth? What if Fallen Angels are responsible for the unexplainable Catastrophic Weather events we have been experiencing the last decade, in collaboration with CERN and their opening of portals into the dark world, storing up dark anti-matter? Are they now at a stage of releasing this dark matter upon humanity thru their Chemtrails Network, which is nothing more than AI (Nano Particulates, perhaps connected to the One Hive Mind – Satan)? What if this AI programmable Black Goo / dark anti matter is being distributed via Black Chemtrails, thus unleashed upon humanity in darkness to which is in constant relationship to the source it came from (the dark underworld). What if this programmable anti dark matter is being controlled by a “One Hive Mind” AI apparatus (D Wave Computer / Satan Consciousness, the “Prince of the Air” – Air Waves)? This in order to control the weather using programmable dark anti matter and Fallen Angel Nanotechnology? What if the GeoEngineering Movement is just another Honey Pot filled with disinformation to steer us in the wrong direction, that may somehow be tied into the False Alien Agenda they are pushing (Will save that for another session!). Sure GeoEngineering is very real, but I feel it is much more complex than that of man made cloud seeding operations, with a much more ominous and sinister webbing tied into it. For instance, what if NASA / NOAA Atmospheric and Space Weather Radar is just CGI and these Chemtrail induced manufactured WMD storms are instead being manufactured and steered thru satanic sorcery, alchemy and dark anti-matter, on a very deep Spiritual Warfare Level of sorts to usher in the NWO, Apollyon the Destroyer, Depopulation and/or used as a sacrifice to their god Apollyon / Satan? Sure, all these weather modification patents may exist, but are they disclosed with good intentions or as disinformation? Let’s not forget everything is distributed by the Government: MSM Propaganda, Weather Radars, Space Weather Satellite Footage, Education, etc… The Deep State Government is not going to release info unless it serves their purpose and End Game or maybe they will because they are just that blatant and in your face. This is just a theory now, but hints are oddly adding up….Please share your thoughts, and let me know if this is a rabbit hole we should explore together?
For His Glory,
Demon Hunter

I highly encourage all to WATCH the following two 2017 Documentaries, to which I believe are the most profound spirit led Documentaries ever recorded:

AETHEREAL – The Battle for Heaven and Earth (Cosmology Documentary)

The Jonathan Kleck – “You are exiles” mind-blowing Documentary:

Also, thank you to Möbeus TV Channel for CERN Video Clip shared in this video.

Möbeus TV CERN Video Clip, source:

Thank you Möbeus TV!

Truth Media Films (TMR, Thank u for content, check out TMR Awesome Channel!)

Be sure to Visit below websites and YouTube Channel Recommendations, enjoy Vlog!
Chemtrails Are Demonic:
Natural News (GeoEngineering Patents):

Recommended YouTube Channels:
The TRUTH is stranger than fiction.
Truth Media Films
Jonathan Kleck
Dr. Josh Axe
Elevation Church
Zen Garcia
Bible Project
Scotty Clark
Justin Faull
Informed Christian
McArthur Seek and Speak a Truth (Revealing Demons in Clouds)
Now You See TV
A Call For An Uprising
Icelandic Watchman




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