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Industry can be a dangerous thing. A lot of people drown beneath the tide of progress, without ever knowing what’s happening to them.

Sorry for the lack of visuals. We’ve been struggling to keep up with everything lately, so for the foreseeable future, we’ll only be able to do a single animated background image for our stories. When we can get another artist on-board, we’ll definitely spice these up again!

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▬▬▬▬ Credit/Attributions ▬▬▬▬
“Water Lily,” by Kevin Macleod
“Heart Sutra Drone,” by Animystic:
“Heart Sutra,” by Upaya^:
“Despair and Triumph,” by Kevin Macleod
“Industrial Soundscape,” by ShortFilmofLynch
“Dramatic Piano,” by Serge Che:



  1. It's a daring theory, but you kind of reversed the modern knowledge vs. mythology technique, I'd say. Game of Thrones starts off on a rather realistic situation, the viewers and characters are slowly introduced into the more mindwrecking and ancient things. In your story, it's the other way around, creating revelation instead of mystification. I'm impressed, and I really enjoyed the story!

  2. Awesome story. No matter whether it has something to do with Got or not -and it has-, by itself, this is incredible, those guys would make quite a lot of money if they decided to publish an average book.

  3. I liked this; a culture grown around a reservoir and a clever solution.
    Stumbling across your channel has been wonderfully eye opening; I'll certainly be back!
    Incidentally, have you heard of a human named Steven Erikson? He's written a series called "Malazan Book of the Fallen," and he takes a similar approach to writing that GRRM does. However, Mr. Erikson was an anthropologist for many years before he became a writer, and while GRRM's characters are very real if slightly fantastical, Mr. Erikson's entire WORLD is such. I highly recommend him if you haven't read him already!
    Though I would advise you keep a can of oil handy; his books aren't exactly short, and you may risk rusting once you start reading.

  4. This is very interesting when paired with Althusser's theory of ideology. For Althusser ideology was not merely a set of beliefs but a combination of rituals, institutions and practices that organized created a worldview. For example, Catholic ideology is not merely believing in the catechism and papal infallibility, it's a practical thing involving attending church, lighting candles and honoring the clergy. Ideologies are created to advance the interests and reflect the values of the people who create them, usually on a population that would otherwise resist the demanded behaviors.

  5. I found this channel last night while looking for videos on mythology and I was immediately impressed with the production quality for an unknown channel. Keep up the great work!

  6. I definitely loved how this story weaves in a mythology that has been used to not only lure people in to do a job that nobody would want to do otherwise, making it seem noble when it's not, but that you have a mute character telling the tale through another person. We tell stories all the time, all day long. Stories are also very human. I feel like the tongueless characters were given back their humanity through sign language, since they were also slaves, and so were able to reclaim their humanity by getting out of slavery. ^_^

  7. I had a certain amount of trepidation going into this story, but I was totally blown away by the sheer quality and evocativeness of it. By the end, I was totally invested and enraptured. Great stuff.

  8. As a young man who's dream it is to write stories for a living, I am utterly amazed by this. Added you to my featured channels list, not because I want promotion from you in return, but because I believe in true storytelling by talent like you. Fantastic.

  9. seriously, can I write with you folks? I would really like that. I'm experiencing a rather precarious leg of my journey through life at the moment. Without going into much detail I'll say that it would mean a great deal to me if I were given the opportunity to contribute to something like this. I want to leave a mark upon the world, something tangible. Writing and storytelling with the likes of you, those of such raw talent and skill, writers of such a high caliber; this is something I would appreciate dearly. Thanks for the great story.

  10. Incredible! Make it a series and get a movie made 🙂 I do really like this kind of concept though, great work, definitely has a nice ice and fire feel to it.


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