Filming on Game of Thrones season 8 continues with far less leakage than at this time last year, when everyone knew everything. But things are still trickling out.

To wit, Spanish-language Game of Thrones fansite Los Siete Reinos reports that a trio of cast members — Liam Cunningham (Davos Seaworth), Joe Dempsie (Gendry) and Daniel Portman (Podrick Payne) — were shooting scenes at Titanic Studios in Belfast the week before last, and that the scenes filmed in the area during this period likely involved female extras.

That’s what we know. There’s a lot more we don’t. While LSR knows that these three were at Titanic Studios around the same time, there’s no guarantee they filmed scenes together; Titanic Studios is a big place. It’s also unknown whether they were filming inside or somewhere on the super-massive set currently going up in the studio backlot. There’s precious little information on the female extras, too, although their presence suggests that that whatever was filmed, it didn’t involve a big battle or anything. We’re probably talking about dialogue scenes here.

In any case, Cunningham and Portman, at least, finished whatever it is they were filming, because they were soon seen elsewhere around the world. Cunningham jetted off to Abu Dahbi and took in a Formula 1 race…

…while Portman boarded a plane out of Northern Ireland and resurfaced alongside Gemma Whelan (Yara Greyjoy) and Vladimir Furdik (the Night King 1.0) at the Warsaw Comic Con.

Jack Gleeson (Joffrey Baratheon) and Julian Glover (Grandmaester Pycelle) were also in attendance. And apparently someone knows what Podrick did to those prostitutes in that brothel that time:


And as long as we’re on the subject, Pilou Asbæk (Euron Greyjoy) recently stopped by Comic Con Arabia to interact with Saudi Arabian Game of Thrones fans. “I felt very welcomed and blessed to be here,” he told Arab News. “A convention like this is so important to us artists because we get to meet our fans and tell them how much we appreciate what they do for our TV series. Without fans, there wouldn’t be any entertainment or a reason to keep making movies and TV shows.”

But not everyone has cleared out of Belfast. Some key cast members still remain:

Stay tuned.

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