Game of Thrones is a powerhouse when it comes to merchandising, and HBO has certainly made great use of its popularity. Season 8 is right around the corner, and Game of Thrones is focusing on edibles this time around, more than anything else. You already know about the beers and wines, and the recent Game of Thrones edition Oreos. Now, Game of Thrones has teamed up with Mountain Dew to launch color changing cans for the fans. Read on!

You might remember the epic rap battle promotion for Mountain Dew that Peter Dinklage (Tyrion) was part of, which sprung many fan theories. However, this time around Mountain Dew is directly promoting Game of Thrones, with its colour changing cans. Check it out:

The can is full snow white by default, called “A Can Has No Name.” However, when you cool it, it will change colours to reveal the names on Arya’s kill list, with the dead ones struck out.

A better look at the cans:

You cannot buy these right off the shelves. These will be limited edition, with only 800 of them made, and you can win them through one of the two ways. Either you can participate in a social media giveaway by shouting out to Mountain Dew via Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with what you would be willing to sacrifice for one of these cans, with hashtags #ACanHasNoName #ForTheThrone #MTNDEWsweepstakes, and hope to get a reply from them.

Or, alternatively, you can go on a physical treasure hunt, by finding “Masters of Coin” in New York City or Los Angeles and say “the ancient password” to the master. You will then get a coin, which you can use in an Iron Vending Machine to get one of these coins. None of this is exactly clear as of now, but the contest is open to US residents only. Winners will be announced before the Season 8 premiere on April 14.

Would you want to try and grab one of these? Talk to us in the comments, down below!



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