A whispered (late) discussion of the Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode “Stormborn”. Hotpies and direwolves and dragons, oh my!

Triggers include whispering and mouth sounds.

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  1. I really hate how fast paced these episodes are going. The logic is just getting thrown out the window with all this fast travel and this season is just all fan service. Also I don't know how they are going to "ship" this romance between Dany and Snow with only 6-7 episodes left.

  2. i used to loooove daenerys when i first started watching the show bc you know ''girl power'' and all that but now.. well, to quote a tweet i saw these days ''daenerys cannot be seen as a hero because her idea of equality is dependent on her being the head of everything'' and this is not very different from any other king or lord thats power hungry on the story (and also cersei) the problem is that not only daenerys but also her stans refuse to accept other way to do things while still assuming what shes doing is the good thing for all people. weirdly enough, i trust varys more than any other character on the show for some weird reason, i guess is bc i know what hes capable of? and i cant say that about a lot of characters.. great video as always my friend! hope you catch up soon, cant wait to see the video for episode 6


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