Series, the most successful HBO was on the air for eight years, and although some of his characters are unable to reach the end or if you prefer, last season, several of them managed to survive in this vast and dangerous universe, among them Sam Tarly a loyal friend to Jon snow, but this character was definitely a challenge for the actor, in an interview, shows that John Bradley suffered from anxiety ‘Game of Thrones’.

Despite the fact that it may seem that this sign was difficult to interpret, although not fought or are identified, constantly against their superiors, and He comes out of the side kindness and intelligence, something little I’ve seen is in the form of George R. R. Martin, and these features “noble”, those who remained in the actor, and is not in good shape.

Interview Giles Paley-Phillips in the Blank Podcastwhat we do know is that John Bradley suffered from anxiety ‘Game of Thrones’ and tells the story of how at the age of 31 years he even has to go beyond the character that again known.

“I fell into this trap, I set the trap because it was a childhood traumatic and has suffered a lot, and sometimes manifested through stuttering and ICT,” said the actor.

To get to the form may cause various disturbances on actors and more if this sign was to understand from 2011 to 2019.

“You take me where I felt that they were five minutes where I was standing with other actors, and I couldn’t talk and couldn’t pronounce some words and sounds I would stumble. The first scene with kit Harrington, and the thing I said, “can you come a little faster?’ In order to react a little faster, and I said “I can’t, I just can’t’, “said Bradley.

The problem was that even when the show ended, the alert is not left it: “by the end of this journey this hint will look like in execution, that He is not and will make listening to stuttering, because it just seemed that, by default, acting. I think people thought it was part of me, but no, but no concerns for performance.”

The character Bradley was one of the most favorite series, I hope that those eight seasons, which was in the past, to see its full potential has not been studied in future roles.

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