

  1. My god…is he brilliant or what. If i hear even the slightest word of them doing something together again.. (the exact same team both in front and behind the camera as in season 1) i think i will faint, thats how much i love it. I never saw season 2, and i never will. The typecasting for season 1 is the best i have seen ever from hollywood all categories.

  2. If you loved True Detective season 1 and are a gamer, I HIGHLY suggest you play Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers. It's set in New Orleans and focuses on the occult (specificity voodoo) and is a wonderfully written Noir style serial murder story.

    They made a remake of it with new voice actors and graphics last year, but it's nowhere near as good as the old original as the voice acting by Mark Hamill and Tim Curry is classic.

    One of the best video game stories of all time.

  3. This character is one of my favourite of all. Brilliant fucking acting and the fact that he is a Religious man makes it kinda even more awesome. Tho i don't understand why.
    The Character has a better understanding of reality than the actor.

  4. holy fuck 1 day?! your performance made me evaluate what an actors do which i do every day. Actually NBK made me evaluate counter cinema in american context. thank you. Shout out to Oliver Stone.

  5. what a flashing Moment in my hole Series live…the mood of season 1 was so capturing that i must watch the whole series in one evening and night because i wanted to get free from this paranoic shocking Moments


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