What happened in the original Targaryen invasion of Westeros? Who was Aegon the Conqueror? And are there any parallels to what is now happening in the books and on the show?

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  1. Thankfully, my brother gave that book last Xmas. I love your take on the Invasion!! I really, really wish I could send u some $. I'm 43 and have had two open heart surgeries and too many other medical problems to go into. Sooo, I haven't worked in a while!! What little cash I do get mostly goes towards meds. I'll send u some soon because I think your channel is GREAT!!🐺🐲🐙❄🔥💗❤😘

  2. Tyrion and Jorah sailed through the ruins of the Rhoynar cities, not Valyria. Valyria is considered too dangerous to this day. Tyrion's uncle Gerion tried to sail the Smoking Sea but never returned.

    Euron claims to have been to Valyria, but may not be trustworthy. Even if he's telling the truth, he'd be the rare – perhaps only – success.

    Rhaenys may have left Dorne, but the Targaryens returned later and Meraxes was killed. Her fate is a mystery, but I think the best guess is she lived, being constantly tortured, until a letter from her was sent to Aegon to cease the war so she could die, or else they'd keep torturing her.

  3. I think the most important part in the invasion of the three headed dragon is that they were willing to compromise when compromising was an option. Keeping most of the already established kingdoms the same as they were. Only a new boss.

  4. Great video as always🙂. I'm a little confused about something about azor ahai. If he defeated the nights king before then the nights king wasn't killed? Azor ahai just beat him back? Have you done a video about this? Thanks!

  5. I believe you are right. History won't repeat it'self in the same way.
    The Targaryans are very much part of the wheel that Dani would like to break.
    In fact in many ways the Targaryans had been the hub of the wheel throughout history..
    Tyrion has been trying to counsel her, trying to instill in her ideas of temperance and mercy.
    However he is slowly coming to the realization that his counsel may not be enough, a fact made even more complicated by the fact that temperance and tolerance only resulted in repeated failue (on Tyrions part) in Dani's eyes, Jon is the only one left who will be able to demonstrate to her that virtue (although it has it's cost) can be just as undtoppable as ruling by fear. I suspect that. Dani who believed most of her life that she was the last Targaryan. willl ultimately sacrifice herself so that Jon can live and forever chamge the future of the Targaryan line, ultimately breaking the wheel. (for now at least)

  6. The Targaryens wee not the only Targaryens whose Dragons survives the Doom. A Dragonlord named Aurion also still had a dragon. He reacted to the Doom by declaring himself the first Emperor of Valyria and by leading forces raised from among the Qohorik colonists south to reclaim whatever was left of the Freehold. He was never seen again.

  7. That was outstanding! Thank you. I might be too late on this one, since I'm a new subscriber but, is there any truth to this theory I've heard lately that, beneath Winter fell there dwells another dragon?

  8. Hellow sweet mysterious boy…Excellent vid bro…You said that George has says that history couldnt repeat itself…Right ..but i think George states exactly that …history should to repeated ..because peoples should to known about their ancestors and to try to look like them , to take the good sides of their personalities and to make the same good things with them ..Danny is doing exactly the same with her conquest..She learns from her idols/ancestors :Aegon the 1st and Rhaegar….She is a combination of those two…the fierce warrior queen/goddess/conqueror and the gentle woman with the kind heart who free slaves,stop rapists from to rape/murder innocent womens and childrens and love/listen to her best friends and her advisers.., There is also the undead threat in the North …the story of AA sacrificing his wife/defeating the WW may repeated again..not literally as i think[no human sacrifice this time at least]..but in some way i think metaphorical..May the peoples[AA] of Westeros sacrificing their love/greedy for the throne[nissa nissa] and create a unity[lightbringer]against the common enemy[WW] to defeating him ..This actually fit with the spirit of George …but i dont think the showrunners will do this in the show..The show is going in a too predictable and obvious way..in the books are still some surprises unlocked for the end…Life is also a repeated thing …death/life/death/life/death/life…..circle ..In the GOT also in the 1-5 first seasons we had have 5 kings fighting each other..RobbVS Geoffrey…GeoffreyVS Stannis ..Stanis VSBalon..Stannis VS Renly,Robb,Balon and Geoffrey..History is repeated again with Cercei+EuronVS Danny+JonVSNight King,Cercei and Euron….Life,death and history are circles who repeated their selves always …It helps the next generations to know what their ancestors did,to not make the same mistakes with them or to make the good things that they have make or to be better than them and to know their future..Sansa did said to Jon to not make the same mistakes that Ned and Robb they have doing ..Danny also doesnt want to make the same mistakes with her father..she knows what her father was and what terrible things he had doing during his ruling ..They both learn from their Houses histories/lore what is bad and what is good for a ruler….George want us to notice this and to be careful with our choices in our life and in our world..We continue to write our history…mistakes of the past shouldnt repeated there ..Wes should learn from our history ..Peoples without the knowledge of their ancestral history are just dust in the wind ….He knows better …..This is my thinking and just my philosophy about the things..anyone has his different way of thinking and his different philosophies for the things…What do you think;

  9. Thanks for the video Robert! It's good to see you cover some past events of game of thrones! What's important about his invasion is that he changed the ways the that Westeros works. Kings landing, the political structure, etc. Now I think Dany will do the same thing. Maybe Westeros needs a structure change like it needed it before AC. I would like to see a history of the dragons and there demise and resurgence again. Why did magic dwindle and resurge in current events? Just some ideas 🙂

  10. That was great! I love the history of ASOIAF. I feel the show has changed, merged and omitted too much of it. I'd love for you to do a video on the Maesters and what you think will happen to them once the army of the dead bears down on Westeros? Talk about an Oh shit! moment when they hear the wall has come down? Will they help? Do they know how to defeat the NK and his army? Or will we see the citadel come crashing down?


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