The Game of Thrones prequel, House of the Dragon, continues the tradition of its predecessor by showcasing complex characters who often embody moral ambiguity. Prince Aemond Targaryen stands as a pillar of strength for the Greens, with his formidable dragon, Vhagar. While he presents a stern and stoic exterior, internally, he conceals his emotions to maintain an appearance of strength. However, he craves for motherly affection.

Ewan Mitchell says Aemond’s needs a bit of love

In a previous interview, Ewan Mitchell admitted Alicent is not a good mother. Aemond needs love and care, as he reiterated in a recent interview with Variety, “He needs a bit of love. He’s a broken boy, needs someone to fix him. Season 1, it was a rich show full of morally compromised gray characters. I wanted to present a character who, in those three episodes, that time in his life was just complete darkness.”


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Aemond seeks motherly love in Vhagar and brothel madam

Mitchell went on to say it is a mother’s love specifically that he is looking for. He added, “Someone asked me the other day whether or not I thought Aemond had mommy issues, and I don’t know if he had mommy issues or rather he just want it to be loved by his mom a little bit more.

Growing up, he never really felt that unconditional love. He had to find surrogates elsewhere. He sort of found it in his dragon, Vhagar, this older she-dragon, and he’s also found it with the madam. But whether or not it’s enough, if it’s a worthy enough surrogate, is questionable.”

Read Next: Aemond is Daemon’s biggest stan,” says Ewan Mitchell in House of the Dragon Season 2 interview

Aemond Targaryen Funko Pop! Figure

This figure of Aemond Targaryen also comes with a chance of receiving a Chase version of the figure, which shows a glow-in-the-dark Aemond with Sapphire Eye.

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