How can one speak of George RR Martin without recalling Game of Thrones, one of the most famous series of its time? While the last season attracted a lot of criticism, it is clear that the adaptation of the author’s original books has met with immense success. A profitable franchise that continues to be operated by HBO via a prequel that specifically traces the origins of House Targaryen – House of the Dragon – the first pictures of which were released last December. Recently, news has leaked of a new film based on another work by Geroge RR Martin. Explanations.

a fine team at the top

Released in the US in 1981 and France in 2007, it is indeed the short story Les Rois des Sables – “Sandkings” in its original version – from the George RR Martin collection of the same name that will be the subject of a film adaptation on the Netflix platform. The information was revealed by Gore Verbinski (Director of the First Three Pirates of the Caribbean) during an interview with Collider Media.

We find the latter on the controls of the adaptation, the script of which is signed by Dennis Kelly, author of the series Utopia. A promising collaboration, as Gore Verbinski reminded us, challenged his current projects:

One of the storylines I’m working on is based on a great and twisted short story by George RR Martin called Sandkings. I have an excellent screenwriter by my side, Dannis Kelly, who wrote Utopia, a really cool British series. And he will take care of it, I can’t wait!

What are the kings of the sand about?

This is a short story from the George RR Martin collection of the same name. We follow the adventures of Simon Kress, a cruel businessman who shows a certain passion for strange animals that he imports from the four corners of the universe to brag about his friends. One day while visiting the shop, he discovers a large terrarium populated by four clans of ultra-intelligent insects – the Kings of the Sands – who are at war for control of their habitat.

He buys the terrarium and provokes more and more conflicts and horrors in order to observe their reaction, which is not without consequences. A round-up reminiscent of the power games of its flagship series Game of Thrones and, to a lesser extent, the Kimera Ants in Hunter X Hunter.



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