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  1. Selmy should have stood alongside Ned after reading the late king's wishes. Surely as lord commander of the Kingsguard the others should have followed suit, minus Jamie of course even though it was elsewhere. The Hand is second in command and Joffery wasn't crowned so his word should have the Kingsguard on side seeing that their purpose is to serve the king. The others can be bought with gold and unfortunately Baelish was master of coin so had enough to spare.

  2. If ned accepted renly's offer that would have been interesting, and then the lannisters starts a was against the starks, the show could last for 3 seasons max. but that wouldn't have been interesting as it's now.

  3. I hate Littlefinger so much. He started all the crap that happened in the show. He is a piece of shit and I hope the remaining Starks learn the truth of what happened that day from Bran or someone else who was there. I want him to lose his head for that…God Ned was dumb to trust him…

  4. At some point in this clip there should be Renly's voice in the background going like "I told you so" Seriously, he told him Cercei wouldn't care and she didn't. At least Renly was smart enough to leave King's Landing soon after Robert died.

  5. the blind order followers are to "blame" because they obey without question and do not think for themselves. this is what is happening to our world today, no one thinks and we are becoming like robots. "leaders" are able to lead because fools are willing to follow them.

  6. so ned declined renlys help and only then did he decide to do it, then it was too late and renly already left,
    the goldcloaks were not reliable renly would not betray ned


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