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Agents of SHIELD Season 5, Kasius, Sinara, The Kree, Infinity War, Leopold Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Enoch, Kasius, Phil Coulson, Melinda May, Mack, Yo-Yo, Episode 6, Fun and Games, The Lighthouse, Xandar

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Marty Gots a Plan by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

George Street Shuffle by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

We Wish You A Merry Xmas by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (


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This video contains information on:
Agents of SHIELD 5×06 “Fun and Games” Review!!!
Agents of SHIELD Season 5 Episode 6 “Fun and Games” Review!!!
Agents of SHIELD Season 5 Episode 7 Promo!!!
Agents of SHIELD 5×07 Promo!!!
Infinity War Agents of SHIELD Crossover and Tie-In



  1. Hey Guys, So here is my review of the Episode 5 of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD Season 5
    Let me know what you thought of the episode and if you would like for me to do another Live Stream mid-week
    And until I see you next have a good one!!!

  2. To think, in the beginning i didn't like Fitz or Daisy and now he is my favorite. AoS was crap in the beginning and now it's the one show I will not miss. Do you think inhumans could have a similar trajectory?

  3. I am guessing once the ship is blown up, Sinara helps the team escape by getting them to the same elevator that Enoch used. I will also be so sad when we lose Enoch by the fact he likely has to leave them.

  4. I like the way the author of this video actually said 'it would be extremely stupid for the show to kill off a major character off screen' – this rough quote applies to the Alien movies series with Ridley Scott doing extremely stupid decisions by killing off the surviving characters after each movie without telling the audience. I believe Scott is actually saying f*ck you to the entire watching public so he has lost all respect from anyone that actually knows the plot points.
    AOS does such a good job with a low television budget. Their story telling is rather tight, light, and compact but it does the best with sparse special effects good enough compared to hack jobs by other competitive television series that were not developed properly from the ABC network.

  5. The feel of the Xandar Snail is it is foreshadowing something, it seems more than an Easter egg. Nova is a big enough character that I would be surprised if Disney would allow him to be used in Agents of Shield. It would be fun if I'm wrong.

  6. Flint is an earth bender

    I don't think the darker side of Fitz is going to overtake who he is, but he is able to tap into the part of him for this mission he is on, and that it will prove useful to the situation.

  7. Agents of Shield does what the movies (understandably) fail to accomplish – getting ppl excited about regular species in the galaxies… from lower leve shield team members to outcasts of the Kree empire…. And Enoch is just brilliant… I can totally see him and most of these characters in a blockbuster film…
    If Marvel was a tad bit afraid of the cosmic direction they are going to be taking after Avengers 4, AoS just show us that they need not worry. And Ragnorak recently showed us how fantastic the next phase of the MCU is going to be…

  8. How can this show get better and better with each episode?!?! They have totally found their groove, this can not be the last season, it's too good! Like it's so good that like it almost doesn't matter even if it's a Marvel show or not, so good that you don't even need a cross over, though it still wouldn't be bad;) if you didn't know Clark Gregg directed this episode, not bad… now, I think that the whole deal with Fits is that the Doctor was a possible version of himself and he says he chose to do those things, and if he had lived his real life with all the events the Doctor lived through he might be that person. That means that those traits ARE in Fitz… He now is aware of it and taps into it making him badass… I don't think that the Doctor will "take over"… it's like how Daisy is still Skye even though now she has powers… Fitz new power is that he knows he has grit, and can be cold and intimidating… I think after all he has gone through especially the brain damage he recovered from it makes him so much better all around as a character… Fitz rocks. Enoch is just hilarious 😅 and I love how they do the Fitz Simmons relationship… and just this was a great episode, the tacos thing was great😅 and oh Cassius got way deeper as a character… too bad we lost Ben and Tess, but having someone on your team that reads everyone's mind is like a ridiculously unfair advantage… and props to May for landing hits on him! Grill is a prick, glad he is gone-_- it'd be interesting to see if Senora ends up helping out the Agents… oh and Enoch is definitely a Recorder, has to be… Daisy still rocks;) I love this show!:)

  9. Awesome video again. I love your reviews. Please keep doing them. So I have a theory about who Deke is or will become. I'm remembering an earther that ended up as part of the GotG in the comics; Jack Flag. So I was looking up his history and there are some similarities and some stuff from the comics that could connect him further. His real name is Jack Harrison and he had a brother named Drake Harrison. Drake and Deke sound similar and perhaps he will reveal his real name is Jack and he goes by Deke in honor of his brother who died perhaps in a "life is owed" ritual. The comics said that Jack and Drake ran a computer hotline for Captain America as a patriotic type service. Of course just running a hotline does not necessarily make one a computer expert enough to restart the framework, but who knows. Jack gains his powers while getting beat down by Mr. Hyde who we know as Daisy's father and during the beatdown some of Hyde's chemicals spill on to him. At some point Captain America charges Jack along with other characters; Free Spirit (Cathy Webster), Mechnonaut (Fabian Stankiewicz) and Moonhunter (Zach Moonhunter) with maintaining his hotline. If you look up the history of Mechnonaut he is a gifted inventor and scientist. So while I do seem to recall that Deke takes credit for rebuilding the framework, in the comics Jack Flag is not someone with the skill set to be able to do something so technical. Perhaps Deke is lying and someone like Fabian was the real mastermind behind the framework. During Civil war, Jack was paralyzed by Bullseye when he took on and almost defeated the entire Thunderbolts team. As a result he was thrown into prison 42 (which I believe some fans were theorizing the lighthouse to be) within the Negative Zone. Then the staff left to go back to earth during the Skrull Invasion. Jack took over as warden and was given the respect as Prison 42's leader. I used to have the comics which I could have used for research but I believe there was a system in place in Prison 42 that put inmates in tranquil state but putting them into some kind of framework. However, in my research I could not find that specific reference. Maybe someone reading this knows if this was true or something I imagined. Then Blastaar sent a captured Peter Quill in to negotiate the surrender of the prison as he wanted to use the portal inside to invade earth. One of the inmates betrays the others by letting Blastaar. Then Jack tries to lead the others to safety. He catches a ride with Peter when they get picked up by the rest of the GotG and head to their home base at Knowhere where Jack's spinal injuries are healed. Knowing he is a fugitive back on earth because of the Superhuman Registration Act, he decides to stay with the GotG. During the War of Kings event when Black Bolt detonates the T-Bomb (Terrigenesis) bomb. As a result the guardians are in a state of a time flux; Starlord turns old, Mantis turns into a baby, Bug a kid and Cosmo a pup and Jack Flag turns intangible which Starhawk tells him is due to his "unique nature" and that it is Jack Flag's destiny to reshape the universe. This a plot thread that was never further explored in the comics. Perhaps Deke is an archetype of Jack Flag and we may discover that he has powers of intangibility and maybe he was the first Lighthouse Kree created inhuman. Perhaps because he appeared normal he was let go. But if he got powers he still would have cocooned up so they would know it. And perhaps he goes back with them in time and sacrifices himself to stop the destruction of the world and thus reshapes the universe. I'm excited to see how these characters stories develop.

  10. the Kree hierarchy reminds me of R.A. Salvatore's Dark Elves with exception that it's not run by women as it is in the Dark Elves or Drow's society. Just the sinister vibes you get from how they see themselves versus other races, the vi for power over another family member and then the one that is in power being very sly with their words kind of pointing out the shortcomings of the one they see as lesser. And notice too that they referred to his brother as overseer of the "family" empire rather than "the empire". So in similarity the Drow have "Houses" that are like "Family Empires" and each "House" is usually in a silent war to elevate their House over another House. It would be interesting to see if they explore the Kree hierarchy further. I'm not sure if they are headed towards the end of an arc (similar to season 4) and beginning a new one or if this will be the theme for the entire season. It would be kind of cool if some elements from this future make it back with them, like Flint becoming the first alternate reality character who comes back with them. I'm assuming they have to make it back if they are going to stop the events that destroy the world. Perhaps it is Flint coming back with them that threatens to break apart the world in some kind of overpower release. Like the sinister general that killed the two workers under her and calls someone on the phone. She wanted to get the inhuman seer-girl for her own use so perhaps she is waiting for them when AoS makes it back and snatches up Flint and seeks to use his power and inadvertently supercharges him. I think Flint is a setup to be the real "destroyer of worlds" that Daisy gets blamed for. Also, I'm not sure if in the comics the Kree have ever been exposed to terrigenesis. Maybe someone knows. I'm assuming because the inhumans were originally genetic modifications done by the Kree by Kree technology that is why the Kreeper was immune to the mists he stood right in the middle of with the 4 inhuman kids. Also, at first I was wondering why the other 3 kids lived even though they did not turn. Then I remembered that they can have the inhuman gene and would since the Kree are the ones making the babies (not in the traditional sense) to hand out to the humans and they can still not turn just like Maximus the Mad. Then that made me think of the Inhumans. It's still up in the air if we will get a second season of Inhumans but there was a plothole left open at the end of season 1 where the human that was helping Medusa and that human's manager made some mention of "meeting the boss". So I wonder if "the boss" is a character we will see that perhaps the sinister general that wants to use inhumans for her own purposes is ultimately working for or in league with. Perhaps "the boss" from the end of Inhumans season1 is the same person the general is calling at the end of AoS S5, episode 5? I also got to thinking about if Maximus would still be trapped in the bunker on the moon while all this is going on. Then I decided to look up Iwan Rheon (who plays Maximus) on Wikipedia and was surprised to find that he has no accreditation for any upcoming roles after 2017. Surely he must be involved in something. Perhaps Marvel is keeping his upcoming appearance under wrap so as not to spoil a 2018 AoS S5 story arc? In fact, none of the main cast of inhumans are showing any upcoming roles in films or TV beyond 2017 which for most of the cast, inhumans is the last thing they are shown to be in. Curious!Also, I remember from the comics, I think it was called "Silent War" that involved the Inhumans and some military faction opposing them. In the comics they put Gorgon thru a 2nd terrigenesis which made him more beast like and full of rage. I was disappointed when they put him thru 2nd terrigenesis on the show but he came out looking the same and only having the rage. My point in bringing that up is that maybe this sinister general will put Flint thru 2nd terrigenesis which supercharges him and and fills him with rage to the point that is what gives him the destructive ability to become the "destroyer of worlds". And maybe the only way to stop the destruction is for Daisy to take him out which puts her in proximity of ground zero which is why everyone in the future thought it was her that would be the "destroyer of worlds".

  11. The only way I could see Fitz going evil is if something were to happen to Gemma that would push him over the edge. Gemma is his everything and as long as she's around he will be Fitz.

  12. Man, an actress who plays Sinara is outstanding. That was obvious from previous episodes how good she is with her body language but here she only said 3 words – "To the death" but expressed anger, fear and disappointment with facial expression. I would've loved if she stayed till the end of the season but probably won't happen


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